Our Favourite Music About Birds 💖


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Aug 29, 2018
Queensland, Australia
Fang ({ab}normal grey cockatiel), Valentino (budgie), Jem (cinnamon cockatiel), Lovejoy(varied lorikeet), Peach (princess parrot)
I thought it might be fun to have a thread where we can share our favourite music about, related to or inspired by birds. Their beauty, magnificence and the sheer majesty of their ability to fly have inspired musicians throughout the ages, and I know that many of us will have many favourite pieces of "bird" music that transports us to magical flights of the imagination. So, whether it's about birds in particular or just references them in some way, a classical or instrumental piece or a bit of pure pop perfection, whatever it is that always makes your heart soar, I invite you to share them here. I'm looking forward to hearing what your favourites are!!

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand anyone who knows me will not be surprised that this number is one of my VERY favourites, and in my opinion a very good place to start 💝

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This is my favorite music video of/with birds.
Tells a good story and a good life lesson to.
Oh Wes, I'd never heard this amazing song before but now I love it!! Such a beautiful and powerful message of keeping the faith and holding onto belief in ourselves and those we love though the world around us is not always a friendly place and things can change so much and so quickly. Thank you for sharing this one, it has become a favourite of mine now too 💖
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Maybe it's so childish but it's literally about birds...

(I don't listen that kind of songs every day, just saying because I may sound childish)
Nothing at all childish about this one, Rozzy! It's a great track, and it perfectly captures the brilliant colour and vivid liveliness that we love so much about birds!!

Hope you like this one, Rozzy, it's one of my childhood favourites! All Aussie schoolkids grow up singing a kid's song called "Kookaburra Sits In The Old Gum Tree" - well they did back in my day anyway ;) Keen listeners will notice a similarity between this tune and the flute riff that features in "Down Under" by Men At Work. Indeed there was a court case that resulted in the band having to pay out fairly substantial chunk of the royalties they made from it to the Girl Guides Association who owns the copyright of "Kookaburra". But it's a charming old song that reminds me so much of happy days in primary school in the VERY small country town I lived in for a few years as a little kid ☺️

Nothing at all childish about this one, Rozzy! It's a great track, and it perfectly captures the brilliant colour and vivid liveliness that we love so much about birds!!

Hope you like this one, Rozzy, it's one of my childhood favourites! All Aussie schoolkids grow up singing a kid's song called "Kookaburra Sits In The Old Gum Tree" - well they did back in my day anyway ;) Keen listeners will notice a similarity between this tune and the flute riff that features in "Down Under" by Men At Work. Indeed there was a court case that resulted in the band having to pay out fairly substantial chunk of the royalties they made from it to the Girl Guides Association who owns the copyright of "Kookaburra". But it's a charming old song that reminds me so much of happy days in primary school in the VERY small country town I lived in for a few years as a little kid ☺️

This song made me thinking that probably Australian people would laugh that most non-bird Poles don't even know what "kookaburra" is (I'm saying it from my observations, once time I saw a Pole calling it as a "weird woodpecker"🤦‍♀️)

If we are talking about local songs... here's a fanfact from Poland - we have a very well known song which has "parrots" in its title. Generally I'm not a fan of it mostly because it's not my cup of tea - but its author is one of the most known persons in Polish music history. I thought about sharing because I know that you like old songs.
Its title means "Under parrots" (I saw somewhere translation "Under The Parakeets" but I don't see any evidence of existing English version) and the title is a name of a bar about which the song is about.

Here's a translation if you want to understand
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This song made me thinking that probably Australian people would laugh that most non-bird Poles don't even know what "kookaburra" is (I'm saying it from my observations, once time I saw a Pole calling it as a "weird woodpecker"🤦‍♀️)

If we are talking about local songs... here's a fanfact from Poland - we have a very well known song which has "parrots" in its title. Generally I'm not a fan of it mostly because it's not my cup of tea - but its author is one of the most known persons in Polish music history. I thought about sharing because I know that you like old songs.
Its title means "Under parrots" (I saw somewhere translation "Under The Parakeets" but I don't see any evidence of existing English version) and the title is a name of a bar about which the song is about.

Here's a translation if you want to understand
View attachment 55066

Oh this is a great one Rozzy, very cool and "nightclubby"! Not that I'd know much about nightclubs, I haven't been to one in over 30 years!! ;)

"Weird woodpecker", tee hee, that's an interesting description for a kookaburra!! Ok, I've got a fun one about an emu, this one's a REAL Aussie classic!

The singer has a VERY strong Aussie accent so I'll print up the lyrics for you :)

"Let me tell you of an interview with an Old Man Emu
He's got a beak and feathers and things, but the poor old fella ain't got no wings
Aren't you jealous of the wedge-tail eagle?" - dom ba da little da da da

While the eagle's flying round and round, I keep my two feet firmly on the ground
I can't fly, but I'm telling you, I can run the pants off a kangaroo

Doo dee ba doo doo doo , boo da da doot doo doo doo
He can't fly, but I'm telling you, he can run the pants off a kangaroo

Well he was the model for the fifty cents - oom ba da little da da da
The designer should have had more sense - oom ba da little da da da
If you take a look, it'll prove to you, I ran the pants off that kangaroo

Doo dee ba doo doo doo...Boo da da doot doo doo..
Take a look it'll prove to you, he can run the pants off the kangaroo

You can't loop the loop like a cockatoo - Oom ba da little da da da
Swoop and toss like an albatross - Oom ba da little da da da
"You silly galah, I'm better by far, than a white cockatoo or a budgerigar;
They squeak and squawk and try to talk, why me and them's like cheese and chalk"
Ba da da Doo dee ba doo doo doo...Boo da da doot doo doo doo
He can't fly but I'm telling you, he can run the pants off a kangaroo...

Well the last time I saw Old Man Emu - Oom ba da little da da da
He was chasing a female he knew - Oom ba da little da da da
As he shot past I heard him say "She can't fly, but I'm telling you
She could run the pants off a kangaroo".

Well there is a moral to this ditty - Oom ba da little da da da
Thrush can sing but he ain't pretty - Oom ba da little da da da
Duck can swim, but he can't sing, nor can the eagle on the wing
Emu can't fly, but I'm telling you, he can run the pants off a kangaroo

Well the kookaburra laughed and said "It's true, oom ba da little da da da
Ha Ha Ha Ha Hah Hoo, He can run the pants off a kangaroo"
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Oh this is a great one Rozzy, very cool and "nightclubby"! Not that I'd know much about nightclubs, I haven't been to one in over 30 years!! ;)

"Weird woodpecker", tee hee, that's an interesting description for a kookaburra!! Ok, I've got a fun one about an emu, this one's a REAL Aussie classic!

The singer has a VERY strong Aussie accent so I'll print up the lyrics for you :)

"Let me tell you of an interview with an Old Man Emu
He's got a beak and feathers and things, but the poor old fella ain't got no wings
Aren't you jealous of the wedge-tail eagle?" - dom ba da little da da da

While the eagle's flying round and round, I keep my two feet firmly on the ground
I can't fly, but I'm telling you, I can run the pants off a kangaroo

Doo dee ba doo doo doo , boo da da doot doo doo doo
He can't fly, but I'm telling you, he can run the pants off a kangaroo

Well he was the model for the fifty cents - oom ba da little da da da
The designer should have had more sense - oom ba da little da da da
If you take a look, it'll prove to you, I ran the pants off that kangaroo

Doo dee ba doo doo doo...Boo da da doot doo doo..
Take a look it'll prove to you, he can run the pants off the kangaroo

You can't loop the loop like a cockatoo - Oom ba da little da da da
Swoop and toss like an albatross - Oom ba da little da da da
"You silly galah, I'm better by far, than a white cockatoo or a budgerigar;
They squeak and squawk and try to talk, why me and them's like cheese and chalk"
Ba da da Doo dee ba doo doo doo...Boo da da doot doo doo doo
He can't fly but I'm telling you, he can run the pants off a kangaroo...

Well the last time I saw Old Man Emu - Oom ba da little da da da
He was chasing a female he knew - Oom ba da little da da da
As he shot past I heard him say "She can't fly, but I'm telling you
She could run the pants off a kangaroo".

Well there is a moral to this ditty - Oom ba da little da da da
Thrush can sing but he ain't pretty - Oom ba da little da da da
Duck can swim, but he can't sing, nor can the eagle on the wing
Emu can't fly, but I'm telling you, he can run the pants off a kangaroo

Well the kookaburra laughed and said "It's true, oom ba da little da da da
Ha Ha Ha Ha Hah Hoo, He can run the pants off a kangaroo"
Thanks for the lyrics, it's the moment when I realized that I didn't even know how to pronounce "emu" in English 😅
Let me guess - "You silly galah" moment comes from the same thing as "yah flamin' galah"? It looks like that you Aussies really think that galahs are silly... (I know, it's just a saying)
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Thanks for the lyrics, it's the moment when I realized that I didn't even know how to pronounce "emu" in English 😅
Let me guess - "You silly galah" moment comes from the same thing as "yah flamin' galah"? It looks like that you Aussies really think that galahs are silly... (I know, it's just a saying)
Yep, you're right about the "silly galah" thing, Rozzy! It comes from the way they like to play in the wild, they're pretty famous for swinging from powerlines and digging up football fields and getting up to lots of mischief!

I love two songs that are quite elderly. I Downloaded them both for the birds because they love to whistle along to them. The first is Rock'n Robin by Bobby Day, and Blackbirds by the Beatles.

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  • #11
I love two songs that are quite elderly. I Downloaded them both for the birds because they love to whistle along to them. The first is Rock'n Robin by Bobby Day, and Blackbirds by the Beatles.

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Elderly indeed!! I would've learned "Rockin' Robin" at primary school as a kid of about 8 or 9 years old back in the mid-1970s! And if you hadn't posted "Blackbird" I would have, I love it! Thank you, @Vampiric_Conure, that's two great picks from you!!

Ok, I got another elderly one for you! My dad was a radio announcer who worked all over Australia and New Zealand for over 30 years from the late 1960s onwards, and this one was always on his playlist! We lost him to cancer at the age of only 49 back in 1993, so songs like these are always tinged with sadness but I love them and they remind me of him. This is my dad in oh it would've been about 1969/70, at work on radio here in Brisbane ...

In his honour, I give you "Pretty Flamingo" by Manfred Mann 💖

No rockin robin? *sigh* twedeledeet
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I meant the michael jackson one!!!!!!!!!!!
Shame there’s no metal related to borbs…

…then again, I doubt it’d even be appropriate for the forums lol
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Shame there’s no metal related to borbs…

…then again, I doubt it’d even be appropriate for the forums lol
Who says there's not?? ;)

I know it's not what you meant, @Rico_Tiel, but it's fun though :)
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