Outside Cage


New member
Jan 15, 2007
Sisqo & GiGi-DYH & BF Amazons

Snow & Blue-Budgies
I mentioned before that the aviary is on hold for now, and that I'm getting the birds an outside cage that will eventually become Gigi's cage.

Well it's a used cage, but it's a pretty nice size and I'm getting it for a good price. The bird that was previously in the cage flew away about a year ago, although I'll be disinfecting it anyway.

I'm buying just the cage only, not the perches or toys that were already in there. I'll get those myself.

Since it's outside, I was thinking of putting some nontoxic potted plants in there. What do you think? Just small ones. I don't think I want to put more than one or two toys in there, since it's not going to be their main cage. Just to go outside and hang out with the family when we're barbecuing or out on the deck.

I'm picking up the cage tomorrow, but I probably won't have it set and ready to go for a couple weeks still, so I'll post pics as soon as I'm done
Oh that sounds like a wonderful idea :07: ... you could even put some veggy plants in there or something. :D
I have some plants and trees going into the aviary for the little guys. I think its a wonderful idea and I'm sure that the fids will love it. :D :D
Getting birds outside is one of the best thing people can do for their birds. They need fresh air and sunshine to absorb vitamin D so they can get the calcium they need plus it just feels so darn nice to get a little sun every now and then.

I think adding bird safe plants is a fantasic idea but ya need to be careful what to type of soil you use for the plant so your bird won't get sick. :)
Proper Parrot Cage

Birds might have small brains, however they are very intelligent beings that require stimulation most of the waking hours. You will wish to get parrot out of parrot cage many times in a day to play with. But, you cannot play with that every time and it is proven that to have bird toys reduces bird's tendency to the bad habits like nipping or else screeching. If you rotate toys frequently, five to six toys must be fine. You would like to see that your parrot doesn’t get bored.

Now let us get to specific bird toys that you will wish to get and bird toys will not have to be very expensive. Actually, few household goods will make acceptable toys. Birds like saying with the cardboard rolls from the paper towels or else wrapping paper. They like to play with the paper & plastic frayed jugs of milk. Birds play with some baby toys like rattles & wooden balls and all toys should be toxic free.

You would like to ensure that you get very good birdcages for parrot. You can decide where you will put your parrot cage; get idea of how large it should be. Also you will have to put somewhere that you enjoy hanging out, so bird is with you whenever you are at home. Purchase metal

parrot cages, and ensure that all wires are unbroken and are in very good shape. Metal cages are easiest to clean and they are most economical. Check to ensure that parrot cannot get head stuck between bars. Parrots like square cages to round cages so they will snuggle up in corner to sleep.
I never knew that parrots that are kept inside and are pets also go outside in their outside cage. Im very interested to find out more about doing this. What size cage do you need - must it be a replica size of your cage you use indoors? How long do they go out at a time? What about draughts and direct sunlight? This is totally foreign to me...how big a area do you need? Does anyone have any photos of their outside cages and where they are postioned - are they fixed or do you move it around...I live in the country which means there is so much space to do this but I live at a school and there is not alot of private space where my parrot wouldnt be bugged.
Leo's wings are clipped, so he can't fly. This summer on a few days when I was working from home, in the morning, I would bring his gymset out onto the deck with me, and let him sit in the sun while I did my work.

As you can tell from my avatar pic of him outside on his gymset.
Sounds good - willl start investigating getting a playgym. I dont have a garden or such :( but at the end of next year I should be moving to somewhere where I can have a garden. In the meantime I will get the playgym and sit outside on weekends when its quiet. Thanks for replying... :) Should I put the playgym in the sun with a patch where its shady?
On a sunny day, I put Mishka on the balcony in her smaller cage.
( we live in an apartment).
Living in South Africa we have lots of sunny and beautiful days.
She loves going there, sitting in the sun, chatting to all the wild birds that fly by.
They need the fresh air etc.
Take care

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