Parakeet Depression


New member
Mar 12, 2024
Banshee (Parakeet)
Sumara (GCC - Pineapple) - Hatched 5/28/2023
Pikachu (Cockatiel) - RIP Grumpy Old Man
Hello -- new here and fairly new to the world of parrot parenting. I received a parakeet and a cockatiel from my local vet, as they were surrendered (abandoned) on their doorstep and I had been discussing getting a parrot with my vet to see their recommendations, if they vetted parrots, etc. Long story short, I recently found my grumpy old man Pikachu deceased during a bad thunderstorm. I took him to the vet who stated this was a natural cause type of incident.

He was old, grumpy, and hated just about everyone including the parakeet he had been historically kept with. They were both much happier in side by side cages rather than together, so that was how I had been keeping them. Since Pikachu's passing, my parakeet Banshee has sat staring at the other cage, had a decline in interest in food and play, and has been far more affectionate with myself. I and my significant other are home on opposite shifts and the cage door stays open, but she has little interest in doing much but perching on top of her cage and the late cockatiel's cage. While I appreciate this new human affection, she is accustomed to a friend, and I don't want to deprive her of that bond. She has also been taken to the vet with this behavior change just in case and has a clean bill of health. We are now about 10 days post incident with no signs of improvement.

My question becomes, do I get her one companion? Two or more? I have a fairly largeish cage with 1/2" spacing between all bars that I could transition them to (had purchased for the cockatiel) if all get along. As she has been with cockatiels before, should I go this route or is introducing her to another parakeet more sustainable/reliable? I would keep them separate and gradually introduce them and be ready to separate if needed, but I'm looking for guidance on the best/least traumatizing way for her, as she's already had a rough go of the past few months. I am new and learning and would take any guidance/recommendations.
Hello -- new here and fairly new to the world of parrot parenting. I received a parakeet and a cockatiel from my local vet, as they were surrendered (abandoned) on their doorstep and I had been discussing getting a parrot with my vet to see their recommendations, if they vetted parrots, etc. Long story short, I recently found my grumpy old man Pikachu deceased during a bad thunderstorm. I took him to the vet who stated this was a natural cause type of incident.

He was old, grumpy, and hated just about everyone including the parakeet he had been historically kept with. They were both much happier in side by side cages rather than together, so that was how I had been keeping them. Since Pikachu's passing, my parakeet Banshee has sat staring at the other cage, had a decline in interest in food and play, and has been far more affectionate with myself. I and my significant other are home on opposite shifts and the cage door stays open, but she has little interest in doing much but perching on top of her cage and the late cockatiel's cage. While I appreciate this new human affection, she is accustomed to a friend, and I don't want to deprive her of that bond. She has also been taken to the vet with this behavior change just in case and has a clean bill of health. We are now about 10 days post incident with no signs of improvement.

My question becomes, do I get her one companion? Two or more? I have a fairly largeish cage with 1/2" spacing between all bars that I could transition them to (had purchased for the cockatiel) if all get along. As she has been with cockatiels before, should I go this route or is introducing her to another parakeet more sustainable/reliable? I would keep them separate and gradually introduce them and be ready to separate if needed, but I'm looking for guidance on the best/least traumatizing way for her, as she's already had a rough go of the past few months. I am new and learning and would take any guidance/recommendations.
Thank you for having takien on both Banshee and Pikachu, though I am very sorry for Pikachu's passing. My 'tiel Fang is also a bit of a grumpy old man, though "middle aged" may be more accurate in his case :) Generally speaking it's best to only get another bird because YOU want another bird, but as Banshee was so accustomed to having a birdy buddy around it may help for her to have a feathered companion. Both a new budgie and a new 'tiel would have their pros and cons, budgies tend to be a bit more "in your face" than 'tiels, who are often much more easy going. So I guess it depends on what kind of companion you want for Banshee, and having said all this you could very easily wind up with an unusually chilled out budgie or a rather boisterous cockatiel, you really won't know until you bring it home! Personally I do think that, being flock species, parrots tend to do a bit better with a birdy friend around, even if they're not crazy about each other they can still relate on a birdy level, and it sounds you are already quite prepared to house them separately in the event that they really don't get along. If it was me I'd be inclined to go for a cockatiel as a companion for your budgie, as the BIG advantage of having different species is that you won't end up with unwanted babies!

Welcome to the forums, @AshVee, I hope my rather vague musings are of some help to you!
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Thank you for having takien on both Banshee and Pikachu, though I am very sorry for Pikachu's passing. My 'tiel Fang is also a bit of a grumpy old man, though "middle aged" may be more accurate in his case :) Generally speaking it's best to only get another bird because YOU want another bird, but as Banshee was so accustomed to having a birdy buddy around it may help for her to have a feathered companion. Both a new budgie and a new 'tiel would have their pros and cons, budgies tend to be a bit more "in your face" than 'tiels, who are often much more easy going. So I guess it depends on what kind of companion you want for Banshee, and having said all this you could very easily wind up with an unusually chilled out budgie or a rather boisterous cockatiel, you really won't know until you bring it home! Personally I do think that, being flock species, parrots tend to do a bit better with a birdy friend around, even if they're not crazy about each other they can still relate on a birdy level, and it sounds you are already quite prepared to house them separately in the event that they really don't get along. If it was me I'd be inclined to go for a cockatiel as a companion for your budgie, as the BIG advantage of having different species is that you won't end up with unwanted babies!

Welcome to the forums, @AshVee, I hope my rather vague musings are of some help to you!

I have to admit that I was probably going to be very over ambitious with my first parrot companion had this not happened, but I have fallen in love with the little fluff butt. I enjoy listening to her maker her early morning noises and having another sounds like a joy, so there's no problem there.

I definitely don't need babies though! There will be no unauthorized breeding in Jurassic Park. I hadn't considered that angle and sexing young is understandably difficult. So I think perhaps another species is a good idea!
Hello -- new here and fairly new to the world of parrot parenting. I received a parakeet and a cockatiel from my local vet, as they were surrendered (abandoned) on their doorstep and I had been discussing getting a parrot with my vet to see their recommendations, if they vetted parrots, etc. Long story short, I recently found my grumpy old man Pikachu deceased during a bad thunderstorm. I took him to the vet who stated this was a natural cause type of incident.

He was old, grumpy, and hated just about everyone including the parakeet he had been historically kept with. They were both much happier in side by side cages rather than together, so that was how I had been keeping them. Since Pikachu's passing, my parakeet Banshee has sat staring at the other cage, had a decline in interest in food and play, and has been far more affectionate with myself. I and my significant other are home on opposite shifts and the cage door stays open, but she has little interest in doing much but perching on top of her cage and the late cockatiel's cage. While I appreciate this new human affection, she is accustomed to a friend, and I don't want to deprive her of that bond. She has also been taken to the vet with this behavior change just in case and has a clean bill of health. We are now about 10 days post incident with no signs of improvement.

My question becomes, do I get her one companion? Two or more? I have a fairly largeish cage with 1/2" spacing between all bars that I could transition them to (had purchased for the cockatiel) if all get along. As she has been with cockatiels before, should I go this route or is introducing her to another parakeet more sustainable/reliable? I would keep them separate and gradually introduce them and be ready to separate if needed, but I'm looking for guidance on the best/least traumatizing way for her, as she's already had a rough go of the past few months. I am new and learning and would take any guidance/recommendations.
Parrots are social animals. In the wild budgies and cockatiels live in flocks of up to 100 or more. It's for that reason that I think it's better for a parrot to have some avian company. They might not even get along very well but I still think their better off with each others company.
If it was your cockatiel that died then I would get another. Tiels and budgies usually get along, some may bicker a bit but they usually tolerate each other.

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