Parrot Wizard Pocket Perch: Not for Chubby Birdies!


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Mar 8, 2015
So I decided to buy the Pocket Perch from the Parrot Wizard blog store because I thought it looked like a very cute portable perch--BEWARE! Though it lists that it is meant for up to Quaker size, my 112 gram Quaker took three tumbles before I gave up on it! No matter how I set it up or how I placed the legs, it still tipped over if he leaned even just a little bit toward me, and I am having trouble finding anything about returns on the website. Definitely interrupted our training session (where he was FINALLY waving just in response to my waving hand) when he toppled over and I had to catch him to keep him from tumbling off the counter top! It's a very cute idea and may be fine for budgies, but at 112 grams, it's really not safe at all to use as a table top perch. Poor Sammy was so confused as to why his perch kept falling down! (I didn't tell him it was because he was so fat! :54:) If you have a small conure or a Quaker or even possibly a cockatiel, I wouldn't recommend it as a table top perch, and I might even give it some thought before ordering for a budgie as it turned over REALLY easily--all he did was lean toward me to get some millet and BOOM! Over it went! I will probably use it on his scale if I can't return it, since he won't have to sit long on it there.
I'm sorry poor Sammy went through this! I'm in CA so I've only seen a few illicit Quakers, but I thought they were bigger? Still, to advertise something that falls over so easily at 112g should be like you say, for budgie size 30-35g!

Good luck on your return. Or is there a way you might be able to reinforce it? Then again, if you did that, it would defeat the purpose of it being a fold up.
Ok I laughed at your title. I bought a table perch too but neither bird will use it.
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I'm sorry poor Sammy went through this! I'm in CA so I've only seen a few illicit Quakers, but I thought they were bigger? Still, to advertise something that falls over so easily at 112g should be like you say, for budgie size 30-35g!

Good luck on your return. Or is there a way you might be able to reinforce it? Then again, if you did that, it would defeat the purpose of it being a fold up.

They're about the size of cockatiels but with a much "heftier" body. I think their roundness makes them look bigger than they are in pictures. Sammy's about 11 inches, and 11-12 is the norm. Most are between 90 and 120 grams. So not a big bird, but they DEFINITELY have a Napoleon Complex! The legs are bendy like wire so I don't know how I could reinforce it without literally gluing it to something. :( Maybe I'll find someone who has a budgie and see if it works for them. Happy early Christmas! ;)
You'll have to get a little bird to go with the new perch :)
Hey Puck? Anyway you can glue/attach like a flat piece of magnet weight to the bottom of the stand? I am assuming its the type like a "T" perch and there is some sort of bottom that sits on the table...a little extra weight on the bottom might do the trick.
I guess its not A-GO for my "chubby" Amy<that's what her doc referred her as> at 507 g's,huh?


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