parrotlet toys


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Aug 2, 2015
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my parrotlet boy is 15wks this week and was wondering what toys he would enjoy.
he has a mirror, swing and a hanging toy (wood blocks/bead with a bell) I did hang 2 but have taken one out. with his mirror he keeps pulling on it and what sometimes looks like hes kicking/stamping at it whilst yanking on it with a lot of wing flapping, cant figure out if he's playing with it or trying to get rid of it???
I know what is safe regarding no zinc, lead etc and was looking into making some toys after seeing others. what does your p'let go crazy for? I understand all birds have individual preferences but just looking at ideas.
Some birds go through bad behaviors when exposed to a mirror. It's a toy choice that's not recommended for smaller birds. When we got my parrotlet one, she started acting obsessive to the point of not leaving it to eat. When our lineolated parakeet was given one, she became territorial and flew into it twice and attacked it and we had to remove it.

However, every bird is different and has a different personality. Pay attention to your birds sounds while he plays with it? Is he silent, or angry sounding? Is he trying to make love to it? Is he leaving it to do other things, or just staying near it? All things to keep in mind.

All three of my birds have a rubber ball with a bell in the center that they all swing on and sleep on. Not sure why they like it but they do!
My parrotlets love all kinds of toys. Their favourites seem to be wooden toys and anything they can shred.
They have some conure sized pieces of wood on some that they have really spent a lot of time destroying.
Anything with a bell! Mine rings the bell when her cage door is closed and she wants your attention. She also does it when she sees the bunny because she still thinks it's a long eared cat (even after a year of mbeing taken out of her previous cat filled home) it's the cat alert alert alert! I have hung an old toilet paper roll and she attacks that all the time. Loves it! I've hung mc donalds toys again... attacks them. Straw on the floor is her fav (attacks it and throws it around) mc donalds toys on the ground (again attacks and throws do you see a theme going with mine? Lol)


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