PBFD - 8 years later and still kicking


Jul 17, 2014
The Netherlands
Kobus the Blue Fronted Amazon
Hey guys,

Haven't been on the forums for a long time as life kind of got in the way, but today I decided it was time for a long overdue status update (and some much needed optimism).

I have a blue fronted amazon called Kobus. Born in 2009, we obtained him in 2013 from people who felt they had to find a new home for him because they were expecting a child.

Later that year, I tested Kobus for PBFD, because I was spooking myself with symptoms I thought I saw, and hoped I saw wrong. Unfortunately, I wasn't wrong, and Kobus tested positive, much to the surprise of the avian vet that told me beforehand she had absolutely no reason to suspect health issues.

I was devasted for quite a while, and the prospect of watching my beloved bird lose feathers and grow ill and whither away was too much to bear. In the end, however, I came to terms with the situation, and decided that I was going to treat him as I would normally, to give him as much of a loving home as we could.

Every now and again, I would find a small pinfeather that looked 'wrong', and everytime Kobus would enter a molting period, it would frighten me ('is this going to be the one'?).

Fastforward to 2021. It is now 8 years since Kobus tested positive for PBFD, and his tailfeathers seem more 'ruffled' than they once used to, same goes for his primary flight feathers. Other than that, Kobus has absolutely no bald spots, and shows no signs of illness.

I am not able to post photo's right now, but I will when I get time. I just felt that, since I originally joined here shortly after Kobus got the diagnosis, it would only be right to post a follow-up based on my firsthand experience with the disease.

There's a lot of tragic stories out there, that will suck the hope out of anyone looking for information on the disease, and if only one person going through the emotional rollercoaster of a PBFD diagnosis finds this message in their time of need so they can see that although it's a horrible disease, there are stories with a happier end (so far).

Completely speculative; I believe that Amazon parrots might be more resilient against PBFD than, say, cockatoos and cockatiels. I've read such speculation before, but my personal experiences so far give that some merit.
Lovely to hear your story- thank you so much for sharing.

There are such birds as "healthy carriers", who show no signs of the illness, but is an active carrier AND is able to spread the disease.

I think it is generally accepted that PBFD is not as aggressive with new world parrots as old world parrot. I have however met a moluccan cockatoo, who was a healthy carrier- so they do exist.

It is also because of healthy carriers that all birds here go through a quarantine AND test for PBFD, APV, Bornavirus and Chlamydiosis before any contact to any of my birds.

I also knew a 10 year GW macaw with PBFD, who had no issues until he contracted PDD. And I think he would have lived a long time, had he not been subjected to another severe parrot illness.
Thank you for providing a special forever home for your Amazon! It takes a very special /wonderful Human to step-up and love their special Parrot!

As you know, PBFD is far more common in companion Parrots and especially Amazon Parrots than people realize and as you have seen, many display very limited to no signs.

As your Avian Medical Professional has likely told you, the concern is, as a carrier, your Parrot's healthy state is always important to assure it does shed it or become over whelmed itself. The great news is that you know and keeping an Amazon healthy is much easier than ever!

Again, Thank You, for simply Love and Living with your Wonderful Amazon!!
Thank you for maintaining hope and providing the best possible support. Updates always appreciated as salve for others in your situation. Wishing Kobus continued health!

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