Pepsi and her Birdie Bagel


Super Moderator
Jan 12, 2007
Alberta, Canada
Popsicle the Senegal Parrot &
Pepsi the Mealy Amazon
Here's a couple of pictures for everyone to enjoy of Pepsi and her birdie bagel. I love these because they are so cheap and she can destroy them, she loves anything she can tear apart.


Ah, a fid after my own heart (bagel lover)

Tracy - where do you get your bagels from? My place shut down (I ordered them) and I can't find them anymore.
That looks like fun. What a good idea. I am always trying to think of new things my little guys can chew on because that seems to be their favorite activity. Those might be too big for them. I always love Pepsi pics.
Christy, I believe they sell those in a bunch of different sizes. I saw them at a pet store in tiny sizes that even the smallest parrot could handle. I meant to grab a few but became so amazed when I saw that the pet store actually sold Harrisons parrot food that I forgot everything else and started hopping up and down and dancing. It doesn't take much to amuse me :/
Great pictures, looks like Pepsi is really having a ball!!
Oh, Tracy. Rocky, my male amazon, wanted me to ask you if Pepsi is seeing anyone.
Flyte, how old is Rocky? I think Pepsi might be considered an OLDER woman ...
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Christy they have bitty birdie bagels that I give to Popsicle. You can get 25 for $5 they just love to shred them.
Tex Pepsi is just mature and experienced. :p
I think Pepsi could use a little date.
Ya they have those bagels in all different sizes. I've seen them online at a few different places. If i can find the link i'll paste it here. :D

Pepsi is adorable by the way. :D
Not sure of his exact age but now that I'm sitting down and really thinking about it, I think he's probably around 18 or 19. He likes older women.

Rocky wanted me to post this recent photo:

Not sure of his exact age but now that I'm sitting down and really thinking about it, I think he's probably around 18 or 19. He likes older women.

Rocky wanted me to post this recent photo:


Wowa, Rocky's rich. Want to share some of that money? hey Rocky? LOL :D kidding.
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Not sure of his exact age but now that I'm sitting down and really thinking about it, I think he's probably around 18 or 19. He likes older women.

Rocky wanted me to post this recent photo:


Hey thats not to far off in age. Pepsi says she loves a good man with money. LOL She also thinks he is quite the hottie!!! :p
How hard are those birdie bagels? I want to give some to Gigi, but I don't want to give him anything too hard.

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