Pics of the new babies! Male & Female ekkies!


New member
Jan 8, 2008
2 African Greys
2 VOS Ekkies
1 Goffin Cockatoo
They look a little rough b/c they haven't had a bath yet and the place we got them at --well the cage they were in was a mess.


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They are beautiful! A good bath, and lots of leafy greens (Kale, Mustard Greens, beet leaves) will really make those colors *pop* ... good for you and now these guys have a great chance at a good life.
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Oh we are doing out best! They were on an all seed diet and we are intoducing them to many new foods. Boy can they eat!!
In this situation I think it might be best for you to try to follow the 90/90/90 in 90 days theory .... that's 90 new foods/90 new hands/90 new toys in 90 days ...

Yeah, you don't have to follow it to the letter but it is a thought process that you want to expose these guys to as many new things as you can before they turn a year old or so, especially with what they have been through in their short lives.

Glad to see that they are "tails-up" in their food dishes, that's a great sign, now, hopefully, you can get them off those yuckie seeds and onto a really healthy diet.
They are beautiful!!! Can't wait to hear more and see more pictures!!!!
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Thank you all so much for the words of encouragement we really need it. These guys are SO hand shy they freak out when we go to close too fast. So I'm going away for a few days and decided to go by to 90/90/90 rule and take the boy (Griffin ) with me-I cant handle both! lol I hope to work with im one on one aways from his sis. (Crossing fingers) I hope I don't traumatize him!!
When will these idiots ever learn?!

BMan, I think that everyone here knows that, THEY NEVER WILL! Those idiots who acquire a parrot because it looks good with their "decor" or "impulse purchase" a parrot, or who just have no clue (and don't try to get one, or disregard sound advice given to them) will be the bane of responsible parrot owners existence for many, many, many years to come.

And I am sure that you have seen it all, most of us here do not have the experience that you do, I am sure that you could tell us stories that would upset us all for the rest of the day!

But, on the up side of that, you could probably tell us lots of great and successful stories as well.
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Well the babies are settling in. They are so fearful if us yet but getting bteer. They are so funny because we are giving them things they have never seen before (carrot and celery sticks, papaya, peanits and pellets)
BTW They LOVE pellets!!
BTW They LOVE pellets!!

That's really good news! They will come around, in time, and see that there is no reason to be fearful of you ... are they playing with toys, are they exploring the new environment? How are they doing other than being fearful of your hands?
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Well they are chewing the toys ion their cages but too scared to some out yet. Still very scared of hands- the famles (Anna) seems much less fearful than the male (Griffin). How do you feel about towel taming? Wrapping them in a towel and holding them until they calm and then petting? I reading that it seems to be pretty successful.
What a beautiful pair! Sounds like they are beginning to get comfortable.
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Here is a pic of them together...


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Great picture, looks like they finally came out of their cages ... see, it will take a while to adjust to new surroundings, and then time to learn to trust you ... in the end though, you are going to have two very beautiful birdies!
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Well we are making some pregress- Grif is still silly of hands but once we have a hold of him we can do just about anything to him. He is very gently. As for Anna, well she's a tougher nut to crack, she's very defensive BUT she DOES step up!!!
Both havent made a peep since they got here--and its been about a month now -- is that normal?
To my understanding eekies are very quiet birds, so yeah, it might be kinda normal, but they might just not be comfortable yet ...

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