Poor Birdie!


New member
Dec 23, 2015
one green cheeks conure
My 29 year-old green-cheeks conure, who has been the picture of perfect health all these years recently got a piece of string wrapped around his foot. It was between the knuckles. We managed to get it off and he seemed fine other than his toe being a little sore. But a couple of days later we noticed something odd about toe nail. It appears to be coming apart! He doesn't seem to be in pain and the only change to his behavior is that he won't perch on his water cup or food dish. No other changes and he's not limping. No swelling either. We are worried that his toe may have atrophied and will fall off!!!:(
:eek: YIKES! I'd truly encourage you to get Birdie to an avian vet ASAP. If the fleshy part was cut, or circulation was cut off for too long, there is a chance for an infection, and that must be treated.

Please keep us posted, and good luck!

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