Post up your RB2 (Galah) cages! Or other similarly sized 'toos :)


New member
Jan 27, 2013
Rose Breasted Cockatoo "Pink"
Goffin's Cockatoo "Sydney"

I'll post a few more (better) of Inca's if I can get a chance to take them today :)
Is that a single flight cage? Does your RB2 do okay in it? I would have thought it would be way too small...

I'll take photos of my setup once I get the cage home from the shop! My baby comes home in just a few days.
If she is out most of the time it should be fine :) Its not ideal but it will do. I will have to get pictures of my cages! I can't until tomorrow, its 7:11pm here and the birds are in bed :)
That cage doesn't look too bad, It looks pretty deep. What are the dimensions?

Here's Rosie's cage. She has 5 perches(should have 6, but I broke one and need to fix it), and I rotate her toys. I recently re-arranged a few of her perches and I like them a lot more now.She rarely used the higher perches before and now uses them all the time. Rosie's cage isn't as extravagant and all out like a lot of peoples, I have to be very careful with her perch placement or she will fall. I also need to be careful to make sure she doesn't hit anything on her way down if she does. Since having this cage her legs have gained a lot of strength and she hasn't fallen off her perch in about 2 months. When I first set up her cage(her legs were also much weaker at the time) she would fall several times a day from loosing her footing until I carefully rearranged(and lowered) her perches. So definitely no boings for Rosie.

Her cage is 36" wide, 27" deep, and 68" high.



About once a month I add eucalyptus to her cage and leave it in for a week. She loves it and enjoys biting off chunks of bark and trimming off leaves and branches but also enjoys having more open space to get around easier.


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I forgot I did up this image. Mana had a HUGE cage... 100cm across, 180cm tall, 80cm deep... it was fancy and wonderfully expensive. She hated it. She couldn't wait to be out of it and she NEVER went back inside it. Occasionally she ran around on the top of it out of my reach screaming :(

So I sold it and bought this smaller cage she now lives in and boy does she love it. She is never closed in her cage while I am home but she regularly puts herself back now. This is a cheap cat cage from ebay... its 130cm tall, 95cm wide and 60cm deep. It has no feed doors at all and seed and stuff just falls straight out of it. Its a pain of a cage. But she loves it :/

Just like when you buy your child the most amazing and expensive toy on the market... but they end up playing with the box.

Both my birds have this same cage. Mana's has all pink and purple accessories and the Corella has blue and yellow accessories LOL I thought it would help them differentiate their cages and would be kinda cute :p I will get some pics tomorrow.
I forgot to add, I love rosies cage! Its a great size and nice looking as well.

We grab fresh eucalypt and paper bark branches when we can. They love destroying those leaves don't they :D And it smells lovely as well.
Interesting...someone else told me that too big of a cage can be bad for a galah, but the vast majority of people who have them say bigger is better. I hope mine likes the cage I got her him/her (it looks similar in size to Rosie's).

Speaking of, I love Rosie's cage too! Copperarabian, I see you don't use the grate...does she chew/pull up the newspapers (or whatever else is on the bottom of the cage)?
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Love the eucalyptus in Rosie's cage!

Copperarabian, I'll have to find my measuring tape.. I think I need to get like ten and keep them in different areas, haha.
Moonchild, fear not, it's not "way too small"

Thingamagigs- that is EXACTLY Inca's issue! It is pointless to buy her some huge cage unless it was built EXACTLY the shape that this one is. She doesn't like to be close to the ground, and many larger cages start a foot or less from the ground. No matter how much "fun" I make it, she just does not prefer to be that low. Also, the big cages that are tall instead of long aren't ideal for her because she likes to play on the bottom of the cage- running back and forth and rolling around with her toys. This cage has the most floor space without being too close to the ground!

Also, she spends a maximum of five waking hours a day alone in her cage, which is pretty uncommon for a bird in a household where both people hold down full time jobs! (Lucky for her my shift starts at 4am, but I'd sure love a little more sleep!).... so it's not like she's a poor bird stuck in a "tiny" cage, haha.

Edited to add: Okay copperarabian, the dimensions are 34" long, 22" deep, 36" tall. As you can see, the only big difference is the height, but it doesn't really appear that Rosie utilizes the bottom half (not including RB activies like rolling around on the floor)? Just with the lack of perches and toys in the bottom half, it seems as though she must spend most of her time higher unless she's attached to the side wrungs.
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Interesting...someone else told me that too big of a cage can be bad for a galah, but the vast majority of people who have them say bigger is better. I hope mine likes the cage I got her him/her (it looks similar in size to Rosie's).

Speaking of, I love Rosie's cage too! Copperarabian, I see you don't use the grate...does she chew/pull up the newspapers (or whatever else is on the bottom of the cage)?

Galahs are usually very high energy active birds and thrive on lots of space. Rosie mostly just sits and stares at stuff, preens, scratch her head, be pet through the bars, eat, and gently play with a toy.

I use plain newsprint(art store) for her liner. Nope, she doesn't have a care in the world about
that paper. She never wants to be down there, even if she drops a awesome treat she won't climb down to get it. I took out the grate after only a couple of days. Seeing her fall and hit a grate was so scary! I was sure if I left it in she would break a leg. I love not having a grate, grates suck to clean lol.

Thanks everyone :D I love it so so much. But then she came in a 22"x17" playtop cage that was tiny, bad been repainted black and looked like a zebra, and had rusty spots! So anyone in my place would love it too lol
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I use plain newsprint(art store) for her liner. Nope, she doesn't have a care in the world about
that paper. She never wants to be down there, even if she drops a awesome treat she won't climb down to get it.

CopperArabian that's exactly why Inca doesn't have a cage that goes that low haha, she wouldn't use that bottom half either!
Mana is very high energy, but she is out all day. Well, she has access to the lounge room, right now she is in her cage undoing all her chain links. :) It's her job. I put them all back together twice a day and she undoes them again. If only she could get paid to do it LOL
I dont have many toys in her cage, each cage has two or three foraging toys, a chain toy and one destructible. Its the floor and play gyms that are littered with toys and things to destroy LOL

No bird I have ever owned has used the bottom space, other than the floor itself, I don't know why manufacturers insist on making every single cage taller than it is long. Probably so they can make a bigger cage which fits in a smaller space, but its still pointless. The only thing in the bottom of my current cages is some foot toys and a ladder to make it easier for them to get to the top of the cage LOL
That's a great cage! It's interesting that your galah likes the top, Rosie prefers her lower perches/middle perches. It will be cool to look back at this picture in a few months and see how much the cage changes lol you'll be surprised how much you'll change things around.
Yeah so far he loves the top...hasn't explored the bottom at all! That's why I added a perch way up high where he's sitting in these pics. His favorite spot is the swing though. Or parked in front of the food bowl.
Oooh, I'll have to get a pic, but Rosie is no longer caged during the day anymore. She is kept loose all day out with the other two. We have cages but the doors stay open during the day. All the cages are connected using stands. The aviary isn't done yet, its been a painstakingly slow process. We have the corner posts up and we are now working on the roof. When thats done they will all be out in the aviary during the day.

Copperarabian: I have noticed that mine also prefers to be on the floor. Also during feeding at night Rome and Rocco eat on the kitchen counter. Rosie prefers for me to toss a handful of food on the floor and she likes walking around 'foraging' for dinner. From what I've seen, its a pretty common practice for them to feed on the ground in the wild.
Oooh, I'll have to get a pic, but Rosie is no longer caged during the day anymore. She is kept loose all day out with the other two. We have cages but the doors stay open during the day. All the cages are connected using stands. The aviary isn't done yet, its been a painstakingly slow process. We have the corner posts up and we are now working on the roof. When thats done they will all be out in the aviary during the day.

Copperarabian: I have noticed that mine also prefers to be on the floor. Also during feeding at night Rome and Rocco eat on the kitchen counter. Rosie prefers for me to toss a handful of food on the floor and she likes walking around 'foraging' for dinner. From what I've seen, its a pretty common practice for them to feed on the ground in the wild.

The only time Rosie likes being on the floor is when I have her out in the living room with her chop mix on a paper plate. Galah's generally love the floor though, they naturally graze/forage in the grass. XD
I know they are ground foragers in the wild, but so far I think mine feels safer up high. He's made a lot of progress, but everything is still so new to him and I think he's far from 100% settled in.

Interestingly, I know cockatiels are also ground foragers but mine are rarely caught on the floor. They seem unsure of it.
This is little Aerial's cage. A Bare Eyed or Little Corella Too. 265ish grams. Her perches and toys are completely rearranged or swapped every week. Most of the time twice. I'm lucky wild muscadine vine grows in woods so making a new perch is just a matter of cutting and disinfecting it, drill a hole and mount.....OK its says I have exceeded my pic limit. Got to figure out how to deleat some of the old ones!


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Mana is very high energy, but she is out all day. Well, she has access to the lounge room, right now she is in her cage undoing all her chain links. :) It's her job. I put them all back together twice a day and she undoes them again. If only she could get paid to do it LOL

LOL, my Sugar might not be a Galah, but she does that exact same thing! She's more interested in unscrewing all the D-rings to her toys, that she usually is in playing with her toys. I need to get that toy from MySafeBirdStore that's just a box with lots of metal bolts and such to "undo" :rolleyes: It'd probably be the only toy she'd play with!

I don't know why manufacturers insist on making every single cage taller than it is long. Probably so they can make a bigger cage which fits in a smaller space, but its still pointless. The only thing in the bottom of my current cages is some foot toys and a ladder to make it easier for them to get to the top of the cage LOL

I have also always wondered that. Why not make them wider, raise the bottoms up and give us some storage underneath? ALL my birds would prefer to be up high and a cage that's wider than it is tall would be must easier to arrange with toys and perches without worry about them pooping in their food dishes :mad: That's always the biggest issue with cage arrangements here.

All the cages posted are lovely, honestly!
LOL thats a great idea!! I never even considered buying one of those (they are expensive for a start lol) but I think Mana would love it :D

And YES!!! Storage underneath with a wider cage would be perfect! I have been thinking about making one LOL

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