Potty Training


New member
Jun 15, 2010
Hudson Valley, New York
Bartleby-Pearl Cockatiel
S'mores-Albino Parakeet
I know that some of you have managed to potty train your birds to some extent. I'd like to try and potty train my keet, but I'm not quite exactly sure what to do. If you don't mind sharing, what were your techniques to potty train your bird? Thanks a bundle! :whiteblue:
It's actually surprisingly simple to do. But if you get it right, don't let it slide like I did with my tiel, you will miss the cleanliness dearly lol.

Most birds will wiggle their tail, go to the edge of the table/cage or adjust themselves in some way before they open the 'bomb hatch'. Find out what this is for your bird and try and catch him in the act. Start by associating a code word with it. I used 'doodoo';). If you can catch them early enough you can pick them up (this distracts them), quickly move them to a perch or cage (wherever you want) and use the command word (give lots of praise as a reward). The cage or a perch is best as many birds become so well trained that they don't poop unless they are told to or are in an appropriate place that they have been taught to do it - this is rare but can happen. My ekkie has inbuilt potty training. He never poops anywhere but his perch and his cage (i never taught him this, its automatic), so I have to make sure i return him to his cage every now and then to go potty. We took him to the vet last week, we were gone for 1 1/2 hours and he didn't poop once :11:.

If you want to potty train your keet, you need to be dedicated to it. Birds poop every 15-20 minutes or so. Learn the time gap and get ready to say 'doodoo'... ALOT hehe:D

edit: I should point out that there are a few ways of doing it, this is just one way I found to work.
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Thanks!!! Now I look forward to going out in public and having people look at me like I'm crazy when I say "doodoo" to my bird, LOL
Great advice Ben :) I'm currently in the process of potty training Hiroshi. I've figured out his pre-poop behavior lol.

Your lucky Eddie has a built-in potty trained mechanism thingy :p Hiroshi goes anywhere and everywhere....even in my hair one time :( lol
Great advice Ben :) I'm currently in the process of potty training Hiroshi. I've figured out his pre-poop behavior lol.

Your lucky Eddie has a built-in potty trained mechanism thingy :p Hiroshi goes anywhere and everywhere....even in my hair one time :( lol

The thing with Eddie is really weird, I have no idea why he does it. I have heard of birds that do it, but cant remember why. In the 3 1/2 years I have had him he has only pooped 3 times away from his stands or cage. He sits on every piece of furniture we have so its lucky I guess lol.

Buddy on the other hand used to always makes a good impression on guests by pooping on them lol :p
Birds are pretty smart when it comes to pooping. They usually do not go at night which leaves a big morning bomb I catch right on the toilet. She knows now that when she is on this rim it is time to go. Of course I do not take her every 20 min. or so. Beware I have heard of some birds that are overtrained and wont go until they are on their poop place.
I enjoyed reading all the above posts, had a good giggle.
Such a big subject for such a small "dropping" LoL
When I started to potty train Mishka, immediately when taking her out the cage, I placed her on a potty. I sat next to her, gently touching her tail, saying poopie.
Took her a few practice runs, she mastered it well.
When out her cage, with a potty always close by, she goes about every 8 minutes.
When Zazo was visiting, I potty trained him in one day, he was a pro, having never been on the potty previously.
Below is a picture where they shared the potty LoL

Birds are pretty smart when it comes to pooping. They usually do not go at night which leaves a big morning bomb I catch right on the toilet. She knows now that when she is on this rim it is time to go. Of course I do not take her every 20 min. or so. Beware I have heard of some birds that are overtrained and wont go until they are on their poop place.

Talking about the morning bomb

Mishka waits until the last moment...... :eek:

After waking, it's off to the bathroom where I clean the bottom of her sleeping cage, she stands one side trying to flick the spray, from the shower nozzle. I then clean her beak with water, rubbing it and kissing her. On the way to the kitchen, she does a few swing swings on my hand. She then sits on her feeding perch, must kiss kiss mommy first, then climbs onto the potty and then it's "bombs away"

How we get there on time baffles me LoL :rolleyes:
We're having some success with Willie. He goes in the trash can. Lester seems to be harder to train, may be just because he's a cockatiel?
antoinette, I love that photo. Its great how you have gotten them to do that...it's so civilised ;)

It's called "quick photography" :D

Mishka is the one on the left, Zazo on the right.
Mishka has learnt to climb off the potty on command :cool:
There was not enough time to train Zazo :rolleyes:
HAHAHA! Edwin is semi-potty trained and I don't mind it being that way. Just cuz of the over training. But when he is in his cage he poops in what used to be his seed bowl. I take him everywhere with me throughout the house like a shadow. Even the bathroom. I have him sit on a bowl right next to me and now thats what he does in his cage. Morning poop and all. Makes for a cleaner cage.
Is it possible to train a 6yr old bird potty training

I understand how to go about it when at home and all put what about when your out
will I need to carry a piece of newspaper in my bag lol

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