Quigley laid an egg!!!


New member
Feb 26, 2013
Ok- so about a week ago Quigley started acting strange...always hiding under her dishes, and actually lunged at my fingers -which was really weird because she NEVER acts like that. Her overall attitude was just strange to me...like she was trying to nest. But she doesn't actually have anywhere to nest or even nesting material. But I had a random thought the day she lunged at me that she was being territorial and possibly nesting...

Well, much to my surprise while changing her food and water just now I found an egg!!!

As far as her attitude, she seems to be acting normal now and I removed the egg from her cage.
Yea cause it's kinda bloody but that was to be expected especially on their first egg. Don't worry too much BUT do provide her with cuttle bone and mineral block!!!! Once she's out of her season she would just quit when her cere changes. Just leave her egg within and leave it be or she'll keep on laying to replace it to form her full clutch.
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She has a cuttlebone that she picks at every day, I don't have a mineral block for her but it'll have to wait till tmrw when my car is out of the shop.

I'll put the egg back- how long should I leave it in her cage??
Leave it until she's no longer interested in them. Which is around 20 days. IF she starts to lay more to cover with her existing clutch, then you need to shift the cage around or put her in another cage if you have another one available. Cause that's when she's just laying laying laying. You may have to use a different feeding dish by using those kinds you attach to the sides of the cages so you can raise it away from the bottom where she doesn't have a secure spot to lay.
Btw thanks mikey :) I was sort of panicking but excited haha

If you want to be excited, get her a mate then you'll be really excited with baby keets....lol.....I quit raising keets years ago....
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Ok, ill keep my eye on her and see what happens. I don't have another cage right now, but I could get one if I need to.

She *has* the dishes that you described ...she likes to hide underneath them lol because she fits between the bottom of the dish and the cage floor just perfectly. Lol

EDIT: nevermind- she doesn't have those dishes...I see what you're saying. I can get some of those too.
She feels secure within that's why she lays there so later on just raise it off the bottom where she doesn't have a secure spot to lay.
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Ok- so I put the first egg back shortly after I was told to, and I JUST checked on her and there's ANOTHER EGG!! So now she has two eggs!!!
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I just realized I **do** have another set of dishes I can use which will eliminate her nesting spot...so I'll swap them out immediately. She's being protective and tried to dive bomb my hand earlier :(
She's just being protective of her eggs....keets can be quite vicious when they attack....
yeah leave it in there at lease 20 days and maybe put a flashlight under it and if you see just yellow and nothing else through it out its a bad egg but f u see red or black your good

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