Re: AngelEyez


New member
Aug 20, 2007
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orange winged Amazon named Jack and a double yellow headed Amazon named Terri and 4 cockateils
Re: AngelEyez

hello, I just joined yesterday and I am still trying to figure this out...and what things are posted and all. just a bit of info on me.. I am a 29 year old mother of 7 soon to be eight in December, I have furry and feathered babies too.. two amazon parrots one was rescued from physical emotional and mental abuse as well as neglect physically and medically. which is Jack, an Orange winged Amazon who bonded to me his second day in our home. He will now allow me to give him lovings for a short period of time, but does not like to be held just yet.. he will sit on my shoulder but no where else... He is really coming around.. Also I have a double yellow headed Amazon which I inherited from my uncle who can not take care of her due to health and financials... She is quite the talker and of course whistles at every lady walking by and yells sexy mama thanks to my uncle ...she cries when you are hurt or ill if she wants attention and so on she is very good at talking and expressing her emotions. I have 4 cockatiels Angel- einstien- loco- and skylar I have a crow I rescued, and is not fit to return to the wild.. she has been with us for a year now and laughs and says mama when she wants attention or fish. I also have mini lops and fish.. I work from home so I can enjoy time with my children and my furry and feathered children.. I am looking at expanding my rescue center but it looks like it might be a while as so far all medical cost etc have come out of pocket and we need to move to acerage.. But I hate asking for public funding to help animals in need as I feel it should come from your Whole heart and I am just not one for begging. any ways that's pretty much all about me, I look forward to making wonderful friends. Hugz Angel
Re: AngelEyez

Have moved this to a thread of its own so that it will be easier to see.

WELCOME TO PF, We look forward to hearing and seeing lots of pics of your fids and furbys, Good luck with your rescue, please keep us informed on how you are going with that.

If ya need any help then please ask, there's always someone here who will be able to help ya out. :D
Re: AngelEyez

Wellcome Angel!!!!

Waiting to see lots of pics and to hear lots of stories of your fids! ;)
Re: AngelEyez

Welcome Angel. Sounds great what your doing. Glad your doing rescues. I'd love to see pictures of all your animals. I think its great you saved a crow, too many people think they are not worth while. I personally loves crows think they are beautiful.
I also have a rescued Amazon from a bad situation. She is slowly coming around but we give her lots of love and patience. :D
Re: AngelEyez

Welcome ANGEL! :) :60:

Bless your heart for the rescue work you have done! I understand what you are talking about in terms of funding your work. I did rescues in my business and mainly used personal money as I felt that was more from the heart.

We must most definitely see pics of your fids ... and I am anxious to see a pic of your crow!

Welcome, again, to the Forum. This is a good place to gather with good hearted people. :D
Re: AngelEyez

Welcome Angel!!!

Wow, well done for the rescue work you do, that's especially with 7-soon-to-be-8 kids!!! Congrats, hope it all goes well!
Re: AngelEyez

Yes, welcome. And if you don't mind my asking, when is your baby due? I really can't wait to have kids, hope to god my health allows it. You must be in really great shape with all those kids, feathered and not, running around! Your my hero!

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