Re-introducing Myself


New member
Oct 28, 2014
Green Cheek Conure - Tiki //
Sun Conure - Nacho //
Indian Ringnecks - Kermit and Beaker
Hello everyone!

I would like to take the time to re-introduce myself. I have not been active on the forum for a very long time, but I would like to become active again.

My name is Lauren and I currently have a female 7 year old GCC, Tiki, and an 8 year old male Sun named Nacho.

I sought advice from this forum when my GCC Tiki started becoming aggressive. Over the course of about 8 months, her aggression became so intense that it became impossible for me to handle her... even changing her food and water bowls became a struggle, as soon as her cage door would open a crack, she would burst out of it and fly right at my face to begin biting. I first started seeking advice from members on the forum, which everyone offered excellent advice. However, the aggression soon reached the point where I knew it was beyond the scope of an internet forum and I had to turn to my veterinarian. Based on Tiki's specific behaviors (I think I will create a separate, more in depth post in hopes that I may be able to help someone else), my avian vet determined the aggression was hormone-related. Her suggestion was to try a series of Lupron injections. She assured me that these are harmless, and they would either work, or they wouldn't. I was at the point where my only other option was to rehome Tiki, so we tried it.

About a week after the first shot, she had calmed down enough that she wasn't at my throat the minute she got out of the cage. I had to handle her with gloves, and I was still getting bitten routinely, blood being drawn through the gloves, but she was no longer determined to rip my face off. After the second and subsequently her third shot, we were to the point where I could comfortably handle her, with gloves, rarely would I get bitten.

Over the course of the past 4 or 5 months, Tiki has blossomed into the sweetheart I knew she could be. It has taken so much time and patience (and blood and tears!) but I now handle Tiki with NO gloves, and RARELY - maybe once every two weeks, I'll get bitten. I have become so in tune with her body language, 90% of the time I know what she is thinking/wants. I can tell what type of mood she is in within seconds of her coming out of the cage and whether or not there is a chance I will get bitten. She has once again become the sweet, inquisitive, lovable fluff ball I knew was buried deep inside her somewhere.

I originally left the forum for several reasons. 1) I felt like a complete failure. I tried every suggestion, but nothing would work. 2) While everyone here had the very best of intentions in trying to offer their advice, I couldn't help but feel bad about myself... that I wasn't doing it right, or not trying hard enough, or not giving it enough time. There are many "experts" here, who inadvertently made me feel like I wasn't good enough. I realize a lot of these feelings I put on myself and had nothing to do with the people trying to help here.

So now I'm back, with a whole lot of feisty Green Cheek Conure experience that I can hopefully share with others to learn and grow in raising our feather babies.

Nacho... I don't have much to say about him other than he is the love of mine and my husband's lives. Without him showing me every day that birds have the capability of being sweet, gentle, lovable companions, I may have given up on Tiki. I have scars on my hands wrists and arms from Tiki bites, but Nacho has never given me anything more than a warning pinch. He is genuinely an angel. I've managed to teach him several tricks. His hobbies include spending all day inside my shirt chewing up my bras (the more expensive, the more fun) and being kissed all over.

Tiki and Nacho officially have their own room in our house. I will have to upload photos later.

Finally, a little bit of exciting news, and hopefully some advice...

I am adopting an Indian Ringneck! He is coming from a home (not a shelter). I am very excited as this is the type of bird I've wanted since before Nacho came along. I've done my research on the species and know it will be quite different from conures. He is currently tame, but when we went to visit him, he was very much attached to his "mama" and would not come to me or my husband (unless we offered a treat - he would step up, grab it, and fly back to his play stand).

My plan is to keep him in a separate spare bedroom (away from Nacho and Tiki's room). I will of course be taking him to my vet within the first week and keeping him quarantined for 8 weeks - same routine I followed when I brought Nacho home.

I can tell he (unnamed) is very attached to his mama, and I'm sad that his little world is about to get turned upside down. I plan to keep him in his current cage, no changes to perches or toys for awhile. I'll work slowly with him, since I know he's not going to be the outgoing people friendly fun bird that my conures are right off the bat. Does anyone have any extra advice regarding getting him adjusted to his new home?

Looking forward to hearing from you all again!
Hello, and welcome back! I'm still a bit new here.

You sound like a wonderful, warm, loving person. I bet you'll win him over, and hopefully soon. I guess I would just advise that you let HIM set the pace... tempt him with treats... don't push too hard towards petting or playing.

I love the idea of keeping the cage as is for a good while.

You know how I know you'll win his heart? Because you are so empathetic and caring... "sad his little world is about to get turned upside down".

I'm excited for you!
Welcome back! Or, maybe better said, HI from someone that likely joined after you slowed your involvement?

In reading your Thread, I noted something that I have been lack in stating. In all the effort in trying to understand a problem from afar, it is very easy to forget or 'assume' that the OP has already seen their Avian Vet.

Thanks to your detailed Thread, the need to push owners to first confirm that their 'problem' is not medical or medically treatable is important and needs to be stressed more often!

Welcome back, and nice to meet you.
Hi Lauren, welcome back :). Good to see you again. That is such wonderful news about Tiki :D it's so great to hear that. I hope you'll stay around, lots of new members to 'hang out with' since you were here last. A big pre-congrats to your soon to be new addition :).
Oh, lauren, I'm sorry anyone made you feel like that. Everyone should remember that not a single person on here is an avian vet, all we can offer is the experience each of us had or is having with our parrots. You actually did the smart thing... try what was suggested here, and since none of those suggestions was working, went to a professional.
I am glad to read tiki calmed down. Hopefully at some point in the future the drug can be withdrawn, after her hormone level evens out. They seem to hit each parrot differently, regardless of species. And now it's time for some pics from you!
Welcome back, Lauren! Thanks for sharing a wonderfully redeeming and inspiring story!

We should always remember is that in any relationship two must engage. Some birds naturally gravitate towards human interaction while others mightily resist. You've done well with Tiki and have a friend for life! I have no doubt you'll do the same with your new IRN.

Far from a failure, Lauren, you sought professional assistance and persevered when others may have simply rehomed. You'll be a terrific mentor for others in similar circumstance!!
Hi Lauren and welcome back!
I am so glad that the vet was able to help with Tiki's hormones and that things are going so well. You are absolutely not a failure, and I am so sorry you felt that way. I am so happy that you kept at it, and changed Tiki's life.
I am really happy you have come back, and I can't wait to hear all about your soon to be new IRN! I have no doubt that he will fall in love with you, and while it may be hard on him at first I bet he is going to blossom in your care.
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Thank you all so much for the warm welcome back! I really appreciate everyone's kind words and encouragement!

Here are a few photos :)

This is me and Tiki when she first started earning shoulder privileges again. You can tell we were both a little unsure...

This is her favorite way to be held. She feels safer this way, and is much more calm...

Here we are cuddling this morning before I had to leave for work :(

Both kiddos in one of those rare moments when they "share" mommy...

Here are some pictures of Nacho being Nacho...



And finally, here is a panoramic (sorry if bad quality) of the bird room. I added some fake vines and plants (out of reach of course) to try to make it more tropical-ish. Don't ask where the new bird cage will go!! No clue!


Thanks again everyone! Looking forward to being back!!
Great pictures, Lauren, and your look of happiness says it all:) Tiki is as adorable as ever, and Nacho looks like such a cuddler!
I love their play stand! And trust me, there is always room for just one more
Lauren!!! So good to see you back! And I couldn't be happier that things with you and Tiki have gotten so much better. On the flip side, it saddens me that you ever felt like a failure. Fact is, each bird is different. What works for one does not invariably work for every other. Especially if there is a medical component at play.

You've always done your best for your flock, Lauren. There is no failure in that.

Beautiful pics, btw!
Thanks for sharing those awesome pics, Lauren!! The cuddling pics with Nacho are especially nice. Interesting method of holding Tiki.... keeps your hands away from her back. Is this a preferred method or discovered by trial and error?
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Thanks everyone for the kind words. Every day is a different day with Tiki. She has good days, great days, and non so great days. My usual routine is to let her out of her cage and see what type of mood she's in. Usually I can tell what kind of day it will be based on how she behaves when I change her water dish.

Some days she attacks the dish and my hand being territorial. I know those days will require more caution.

Other days, she couldn't care less about the water dish. Those days she's a cuddly teddy bird.

Scott - This is Tiki's preferred method. She will actually weasel her way into my hand to be held like that. When she is in that position, I can scratch her head/neck/face/chin very easily with my other hand without being bitten and avoiding the wing/back area. She is much calmer and less jumpy when she is held like that. My guess she feels somewhat exposed when she is just perched regularly on my hand.

I picked up my new family member last night! I'm going to make a post about him in the IRN section.

Thanks again!

Scott - This is Tiki's preferred method. She will actually weasel her way into my hand to be held like that. When she is in that position, I can scratch her head/neck/face/chin very easily with my other hand without being bitten and avoiding the wing/back area. She is much calmer and less jumpy when she is held like that. My guess she feels somewhat exposed when she is just perched regularly on my hand.


My JoJo wants to be held the same way, also hates having his back/wings touched
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Scott - This is Tiki's preferred method. She will actually weasel her way into my hand to be held like that. When she is in that position, I can scratch her head/neck/face/chin very easily with my other hand without being bitten and avoiding the wing/back area. She is much calmer and less jumpy when she is held like that. My guess she feels somewhat exposed when she is just perched regularly on my hand.


My JoJo wants to be held the same way, also hates having his back/wings touched

I don't know if Tiki hates it... if anything I think she likes it a little too much and gets the wrong idea... if you know what I mean ;)
Interesting way of handling, never thought of this. Just for grins, will try this with some of my birds to see their reaction!
Interesting way of handling, never thought of this. Just for grins, will try this with some of my birds to see their reaction!

...and poor Scott was never seen or heard from again. Lol!

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