Re: New Members


New member
Aug 5, 2012
sun conure
Re: New Members

new member, although i owned a cockatiel for the last 7yrs, he recently died, i knew i needed another bird, i recently gotten tiko a 2yr old sun conure a beautiful little guy, he trying to warmupto me, he will step on my hand but since he has bitten me a couple of times i have been putting a sock on my hand to bring him out of his cage, he seems to be warming up as he will take food from me, and while i am puting new stuff in his cage he hasn't tried to nip or bite, should i just keep talking to him and offering him treats from my hand, and is the sock over the hand thing something i should not do, as i do want him to step up on my hand, should i be using a dowel for this? please advise.:yellow1:
Re: New Members

Hi and welcome. This is a great place to connect with others about your baby. I think your baby will be fine. Keep talking and giving treats. As for the sock, is he acting scared of it? Im not sure about that part, Im sure someone on here will know more about it. But for now, welcome and look around, you can find some great info and some great people, :D

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