new member and new parrot mum


New member
Oct 21, 2023
one male and one female eclectus
good evening. i have one male and one female eclectus parrots. they are 14 and 17 weeks. i am trying to get them to trust me. the girl is much less nervous than the boy. my question for some advise is that until i can get them to step up and let me move them around how am i to get them in and out of their cage for time outside with me. the girl will take food from my hand through the cage and through the open door. the boy however is too nervous. they were both fine being handled and stepping up when i visited them at the breeeeers and collected them. They seem happy together and eating drinking playing etc. i am trying to target train the female but the male isn’t ready yet i’m just building trust. letting them see me all day talking to them and spending time next to their cage going about my emails and watching tv.
my question is should i not bother letting them come out anymore as i have no way of getting them back into their cage until they will let me handle them. They just run away and flap around. the male will bite but only because of fear if i try to force hold him . Any tips for building trust and settling in please . i’m watching everything i possibly can online for tips. i want them to have freedom whoever i am here to supervise them but it’s not something either of us seem to enjoy right now despite feeling bad not letting them out it’s calmer for them .
thanks for welcoming me into the forum

How long have these babies been home with you? It sounds you’re spending a lot of time around the cage to let them get used to your presence which is great! Offering them treats through the cage is also good. It sounds like they are in the same cage together?

Depending on how long they’ve been home they may just need some time to settle in before they’re ready to spend time outside the cage. I wouldn’t try to pick them up out of the cage but would wait until they come to you on their own while you’re holding a very tasty treat.
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they’ve been home about 3 weeks now. They are both in the same cage, 3 weeks apart in age and seem happy together. they interract if i talk to them from my chair: the male backs away if i get too close outside the cage or try to offer treats to him but the female will take from my hand through the cage. i do open the cage now when i am watching tv etc and talk to them from
where i am sitting . sometimes they come out have a quick walk around then climb back into the cage. Female will climb up and perch on the top of her cage for a while then eventually come down and get back into the cage. neither will step up anymore and move away if i try. i guess i have to just keep talking to them and hope they come to me . i want them to step up as we can’t do anything together until i achieve this again and also so i can manoeuvre them to a perch i intend for training etc. they love music when i play it for them they become very vocal ! ha i guess i am being impatient? just wondered how long it may take for them to actually want to come to me as you say x
thanks for you reply
they’ve been home about 3 weeks now. They are both in the same cage, 3 weeks apart in age and seem happy together. they interract if i talk to them from my chair: the male backs away if i get too close outside the cage or try to offer treats to him but the female will take from my hand through the cage. i do open the cage now when i am watching tv etc and talk to them from
where i am sitting . sometimes they come out have a quick walk around then climb back into the cage. Female will climb up and perch on the top of her cage for a while then eventually come down and get back into the cage. neither will step up anymore and move away if i try. i guess i have to just keep talking to them and hope they come to me . i want them to step up as we can’t do anything together until i achieve this again and also so i can manoeuvre them to a perch i intend for training etc. they love music when i play it for them they become very vocal ! ha i guess i am being impatient? just wondered how long it may take for them to actually want to come to me as you say x
thanks for you reply
Hi! Welcome! I have a female ekkie, Ruby. Although I never had had these problems with her, it seems your ekkies may be…. Shy. Sometimes it takes a while to adapt to a new place. What you are doing right now is what I will recommend doing, so, just keep trying to give them treats. Oh and do you have a training clicker? If not, use a pen with the click-thingy. You first click, then give them treats. After a few days their mind will process: click=food. Then, see if any of them will step up, if they do, click and give them treats. When you start training them, give them less treats just for bonding. Oh and Ruby becomes very vocal too when I put on music! She Always match the beat!
Good luck and if you have any questions, just ask and am very excited to share knowledge with you and the INCREDIBLE journey we will have!
From Fluff and Ruby

Edit: what’s their names?

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