Revising Grey!


Super Moderator
Sep 7, 2006
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All weekend Jemma, my daughter has been revising for a math exam that she has on Monday morning, today Bucc decided that she had done enough, he wouldn't leave her alone, all day he has done anything to get her to stop, pinching her pens, biting her books walking up to her and giving kisses, in the end she stopped and put everything away. You would have thought that would have pleased him, but no, as soon as she stopped he flew off and went into his cage, giving us all his night nights, getting up onto his swing and turning his back on everyone. She went up to him to give him his scritches and he told her he loved her then moved away from her hand. LOL
She has now decided that after doing revision since Friday he was telling her that if she didn't know it now she never would.
You just gotta love em!
Oh that is so funny. They are alot like some men in one way......They only desperately want something until they have it, then they don't want it anymore. And they are alot like children in another way......The busier you are, the more they pester you. If you were sitting there doing absolutely nothing (seldom ever happens, but its a nice thought), then they wouldn't even come near you. And they are alot like women in one way.....They can be all sweet one minute and snap your head off the next. (I, of course am not like that.........much ;) ) I love the Greys personality, you never trully know what they are going to come out, or up with next.
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Hehehehe totally agree, Can't say I know any women who are like that though :54:

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