Reyana's IRNs


New member
Oct 28, 2015
4 Indian ring necks, 3 cocatiels, 8 budgies
Hello again!
Meet my feathered kids. I'll start telling about them in turn.
My first ringneck appeared in my family unexpectedly. I just saw an ad on the ad board. The bird sold had a serious problem: plucking. I felt sympathy for her and took it.
Now she is a 7 year old green hen. I took her from an avian vet who told me that Clara (that was my hen's name) used to live at her former owner's house quite lonely and plucked her feathers especially during the mating period.
So Clara moved to my house. Here is her first photo. Almost a year ago...
Oh wow :O Good on you! How is she doing now?
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Now she's much better. But the habit of plucking still exists.
That's her latest photo
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Since we got Clara my love with ringnecks began...
I tried to make her life better and the vet offered to get her a mate. I began to search for one. But it wasn't an easy task. As she was then 6 years old I couldn't find a mature male to match her. There were very few variants and also quite expensive.
At that time I run into one more ad, again unexpectedly... It was a young blue 8 month old male (the owner said so). So I took him. His name was Antonio (we call him Tosha).
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Tosha lived in a family with a small kid in a city apartment. The owners obviously did't expect hin to be so loud and so destructive. Therefore they desided to get rid of him.
Tosha came to us in not a very good condition. He was frightful, looked at us with crazy eyes, his feathers were a mess. He had not got primary flight feathers on one wing and couldn't fly.
Here are his first pictures taken in February 2015.


I am a sucker for IRNs :)
Beautiful IRN's and sweet stories. Thanks for giving them the life they deserve.
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Thanks to everyone!
Now I just can't believe that a year ago I didn't know anything about Indian ringnecks. I'm completely in love with them.
Let me go on.
As Tosha was much younger than Clara or maybe because she got used to live alone but they haven't become even friends. Every time I let them out of their cages Clara chased Tosha and tried to bite him violently. So I thought it would be better to find her a companion or a mate of her age.
And again I was lucky to run into an ad where owners sold a 9 year old talking IRN. When I came to pick him up I couldn't understand how his owners decided to give him away. They seemed to love him and they didn't have to move anywhere. They got two other smaller parrots and Erick (that was his name) became the odd one in the family.
So Erick became a member of our family. He is not very tame - no one can touch him, but he is quite socialized, he says some words and does some funny tricks. In his previous home he lived in the kitchen and got used to eat from people's plates, which is very bad. We are trying to make him give it up.
Meet our Erick

Your IRNs are so beautiful, and I have such a soft spot for the pluckers. Clara has come such a long way since she has been in your loving care:)
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Thank you! Sometimes my father says: " Why did you take them? They are useless, they don't want to mate, Clara is so ugly. You can't tame them. Sell them." This makes me feel hopeless at times. I just see all my birds are Personalities. They were abandoned by their previous owners because they were "useless", nobody needed them. It's like you adopt a child and after some time realize you don't like him and you send him back to the orphanage. I decided to share my home with these abandoned creatures. And by no means I won't let them roam from home to home. Even if they are "useless, ugly and untamed".
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And the youngest IRN hen in my flock is Margo. She is the only one bird in their company which came to me right from the breeder and she was 3 months old then. Margo is supposed to become Tosha's mate (if they like each other). Now Margo is 5 months old.
i have a question for you all: help me, please, to identify her colour correctly. The photos were made in daylight and the colour is just as real. In our country they call her a blue and white lacewing. What do you think?
She's a type of clearheaded mutation, very beautiful for sure! Silversage will likely know, she knows lots of mutations exceptionally well. Beyond being a clearheaded, I'm not sure if she's anything else as the wings need to be shown a bit, too, depending on if they're more than that. IRN genetics are wonderfully complex.

Your family of ringnecks is beautiful, by the way! And they certainly are little personalities. I wouldn't trade mine for the world.
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She's a type of clearheaded mutation, very beautiful for sure! Silversage will likely know, she knows lots of mutations exceptionally well. Beyond being a clearheaded, I'm not sure if she's anything else as the wings need to be shown a bit, too, depending on if they're more than that. IRN genetics are wonderfully complex.

Your family of ringnecks is beautiful, by the way! And they certainly are little personalities. I wouldn't trade mine for the world.

Thanks! They are all definitely have different character.
Your Shiko is very handsome!:blue2: And reminds me my Antonio pretty much!
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Oh, my Tosha have already finished moulting! He grew a very long stunning tail and long beautiful wing feathers. Remember my ugly duckling? Just compare:

And after...
Thanks for sharing your story. ^^ Clara looks heaps better than she did from the previous photo. I'm no expert or anything but sounds like she was shoved into a corner and forgotten at her previous owners. This is when the plucking began I'm sure. She's obviously growing her feathers back so you're doing something right. :) I'm experiencing a similar situation with my baby girl.

They're all too stinking colorful and cute. ^^ I'm sure they're well taken care of and loved.

Never seen Margo's color mutation before but I love it. Wow! she's beautiful. :)
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