Ringneck with Beak and Feather disease


New member
May 29, 2013
Rio- Indian Ring Neck
Hi guys

I have an IRN that is now 7 months old. His feathers started changing colour ( green to yellow) about a month ago and his tail feathers all fell out and grew back yellow and very thin. I took him to an Avian vet who tested him and got the results back today saying he has beak and feather disease. My heart is so broken over this. Is there someone out there who has a ringneck with this conditions as I would really like some help on how to deal with this. I got Rio when he was 5 weeks old and handreared him. He is still very active and loves cuddles. He has started mimicking sounds I make. He is so adorable and is really starting to come into his own now, I dont know what to do.
I am so sorry to hear about your bird my heart is so saddened.

Did the vet say exactly what was wrong with Rio?
Were any med's given?

From what you have described to me it sounds like
Beak and Feather Disease or PBFD

I PRAY I AM WRONG.........Remember we are not qualified vets, just giving our opinions.

From what I gather you have no other birds, as PBFD is highly contagious.

Two links below will answer many of your questions.

Very sad what is described in the links below explaining what members went through ......

PBFD Sunny is showing symptoms

PBFD terrible horrible news

Please keep us posted
Be Strong
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So sorry! I have no experience with this illness,and can't give advie for you. What did the vet tell u to do?
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Thank you so much everyone for the kind words. Rio has full PBFD, and the vet has told me that medically there is not much they can do for him. I am now taking a holistical approach to all this, I got him vitamin oils that goes on his food, he gets 90% pellets and loads of fresh fruits and veg. I will keep disinfecting his cage and all toys regularly to ensure he stays clean and healthy. I also have an aloe skin soother spray for birds that I got him to hlp with the itchiness. Its so sad. He cannot tell me what hurts or is irritating. I just cannot have him put down. He is still so lively and I am really going to try make him comfortable and enjoy what lifespan he has. I will keep everyone posted on his progress. Will post photo's of his development. Its gr8 knowing there is others out there who understands.
Thank you so much everyone for the kind words. Rio has full PBFD, and the vet has told me that medically there is not much they can do for him. I am now taking a holistical approach to all this, I got him vitamin oils that goes on his food, he gets 90% pellets and loads of fresh fruits and veg. I will keep disinfecting his cage and all toys regularly to ensure he stays clean and healthy. I also have an aloe skin soother spray for birds that I got him to hlp with the itchiness. Its so sad. He cannot tell me what hurts or is irritating. I just cannot have him put down. He is still so lively and I am really going to try make him comfortable and enjoy what lifespan he has. I will keep everyone posted on his progress. Will post photo's of his development. Its gr8 knowing there is others out there who understands.

I was praying it was something else, I am so sorry

Unfortunate that they are not able to inform us what they are feeling, and what they want done.
Rio is so fortunate to have a wonderful caring and loving guardian, bless you for being the best mommy to Rio.

It is going to be a long tough road BUT please remember we are all here for you.

Time permitting please read through those posts..... there are some wonderful tips on what you are able to do to help Rio, please Lord to a full recovery.

Hugs to you both

How did I miss where BrendaG is living OMG practically on my doorstep too much on my brain at the moment. SORRY

What suburb are you in?

Brenda which vet did you take Rio to?

Dr. Brett Russell is the most admired and knowledgeable vet in South Africa.

Address below

Johannesburg - Northern suburbs:

Bryanston Veterinary Clinic, Dr. Brett Russell
99 Grosvenor Rd (junction Grosvenor & William Nicol next to BMW showroom)
011 706 1381 Clinic hrs. Weekdays 8 - 6 Sat. 8 - 11
Emergency number : 011 706 1381
As people have already mentioned PBFD isn't necessarily a life sentence anymore. I believe there was a story on here about someone with a (budgie?) named Sunny who had it and her guy was very active and playful and she only decided to have him put to sleep when Sunny began to actually suffer with it. Such as losing feathers and struggling to fly which frustrated and distressed Sunny.

When and IF your bird gets to the point of complete distress, I'd look into putting him to sleep, but for the time being with proper management you can give your fid a nice happy life full of love :)
As people have already mentioned PBFD isn't necessarily a life sentence anymore. I believe there was a story on here about someone with a (budgie?) named Sunny who had it and her guy was very active and playful and she only decided to have him put to sleep when Sunny began to actually suffer with it. Such as losing feathers and struggling to fly which frustrated and distressed Sunny.

When and IF your bird gets to the point of complete distress, I'd look into putting him to sleep, but for the time being with proper management you can give your fid a nice happy life full of love :)

The thread you are referring to is PBFD Sunny is showing symptoms
As people have already mentioned PBFD isn't necessarily a life sentence anymore. I believe there was a story on here about someone with a (budgie?) named Sunny who had it and her guy was very active and playful and she only decided to have him put to sleep when Sunny began to actually suffer with it. Such as losing feathers and struggling to fly which frustrated and distressed Sunny.

When and IF your bird gets to the point of complete distress, I'd look into putting him to sleep, but for the time being with proper management you can give your fid a nice happy life full of love :)

The thread you are referring to is PBFD Sunny is showing symptoms

Thanks, I didn't even check the links you posted before as I skim read and knew all about PBFD anyway so didn't want to read again when I'm sick, sorry!

Thanks for posting though. It was a sad and horrible story but she sure give the little guy a good chance.
As people have already mentioned PBFD isn't necessarily a life sentence anymore. I believe there was a story on here about someone with a (budgie?) named Sunny who had it and her guy was very active and playful and she only decided to have him put to sleep when Sunny began to actually suffer with it. Such as losing feathers and struggling to fly which frustrated and distressed Sunny.

When and IF your bird gets to the point of complete distress, I'd look into putting him to sleep, but for the time being with proper management you can give your fid a nice happy life full of love :)

The thread you are referring to is PBFD Sunny is showing symptoms

Thanks, I didn't even check the links you posted before as I skim read and knew all about PBFD anyway so didn't want to read again when I'm sick, sorry!

Thanks for posting though. It was a sad and horrible story but she sure give the little guy a good chance.

It sure was a sad time, Linky honestly did EVERYTHING to save Sunny.

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How did I miss where BrendaG is living OMG practically on my doorstep too much on my brain at the moment. SORRY

What suburb are you in?

Brenda which vet did you take Rio to?

Dr. Brett Russell is the most admired and knowledgeable vet in South Africa.

Address below

Johannesburg - Northern suburbs:
Bryanston Veterinary Clinic, Dr. Brett Russell
99 Grosvenor Rd (junction Grosvenor & William Nicol next to BMW showroom)
011 706 1381 Clinic hrs. Weekdays 8 - 6 Sat. 8 - 11
Emergency number : 011 706 1381

Hi Antoinette

I took him to a vet in the Cape when I was on leave. Am going to see Dr Russel in 2-3 months, as I was told to get him retested 60 - 90 after initial test. We live in Boksburg and Rio is doing very well. He is just very sleepy lately. But full of beans when he is awake, and so inquisitive. He has been eating well and all, and one of his tail feathers is growing back slowely, although it is a different colour. I have told my friends that have birds that Rio has the virus, so they are also carefull if and when they come to my place. I have a whole list of do's and dont's if I want to go visit friends.


No advice for you, just (((hugs)))

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