Sad News


New member
Jul 28, 2015
Rowdy -Blue and Gold Macaw (I miss him :''''(, ?-10/18/15)
Luna- cockatiel (deceased:'()
Im sorry I havent been on in a while guys. but these things are always difficult to say...Rowdy- he passed away last weekend. I went away on Saturday morning to go to my soccer games and would return sunday during late afternoon. Before i left I made sure he had clean water and brand new food. I even put extra food in since i knew i wouldnt be home until late the next day. i came home on sunday and my dad said he didnt make it...we dont know how or why...i was and still am heart broken even a week later. I know i didnt have him for long but I still loved him. He and i had just started to bond, he was finally learning to step up and give me kisses. I honestly dont know what happened. I told my dad to make sure that when he went in my room that he didnt let any of our cats or dog in there. i also made usre my mom dad and brother knew what foods they absolutely could NOT give him and they all understood. I just dont know what dad said that he noticed rowdy hadnt been talking in a while so he went in to check and rowdy was laying on the bottom of the cage. I dont know what happened...i really dont. I dont think it was my fault...i hope not. :blue1: </3 </3:blue1: :(:(
Oh my...I am so very sorry for your loss! How long did you have Rowdy? Maybe he was sick already when you got him? Thoughts and prayers your way...
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I had him since the end of July so about 2 1/2 months
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6as soon as he stepped up onto me and trusted me I was gonna take him to the vet, and I was planning on taking him this weekend
I am so very sorry for your loss :(. That is terribly sad under any circumstance, and such a shock as you returned home to find out. Please accept my condolences.
I am so very sorry for your loss:(
What a terrible thing to come home too. I'm sure it was nothing you did, I too wonder if poor Rowdy was sick when he came to you.
My deepest condolences for your loss. As others have said, I imagine he was probably already sick when you got him. Birds are adept at hiding illnesses. But you'll never truly know unless you decide to perform a necropsy.

Know that our thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time.
My deepest condolences for your loss. It's a tremendously difficult thing to experience. It sounds like he was lucky to have you in his short little life and you made his time better.
I'm so very sorry Rowdy passed away. It must have been an awful shock for you and terribly painful. You're in my thoughts.

Fly Free Rowdy. You will be missed.
I'm so sorry! It's hard to lose a friend, and not be there to say goodbye. Sounds like you two were starting to build a bond and hopefully those happy memories put a smile on your face.
That's terrible. I hope you feel better soon. Such a shame that you had him for only a short time. Respects to rowdy. :(
Very sorry you lost Rowdy. The bond with parrots grows quickly, and you will remember him fondly.
I'm sorry to hear this S.

He was a sweet boy....I'm heart broken for you and your dad.
I'm so Sorry to hear about Rowdy!! I know he loved you very much, you could tell that whenever you left the room!!! I feel so sorry for your lose.

I am so sorry for your loss:(
Oh no! I'm sooo sorry you had to go through sad you lost rowdy.know your not alone and please feel free to talk to any of us.sending you love and feathered hugs.
So sorry to hear of Rowdy's sudden passing. Thinking of you.

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