Safe food?


New member
Aug 14, 2012
Scottie Rotten the Massively Minute Macaw
I am gathering ingredients and would like to use the cornmeal mix I already have. It includes wheat flour but also baking soda and baking powder. Are those bird safe?
In small amounts, sure, are you baking it into bread or something else? If it's in excess of a normal amount used for leavening or you don't intend to bake it into bread, you might do better to get some plain organic cornmeal. But lots of birdie bread recipes are based on packaged cornbread mix which will typically include leavening agents. Depending on your food paranoia level, you might also want to look for aluminum free baking powder.
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Okay Thank you so much for the advice Deb. And yes they are mixed into a cornbread mix that I already have and thought it would be convenient to use it if it was safe. I will also check into aluminum free baking powder.

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