Screaming..What is considered normal for an amazon?


New member
Feb 15, 2012
Twitter, 3yo greencheek conure..Paco 15yo Orangewing Amazon.
How much is to be expected as "normal".He can make my ears bleed its sooooooooo loud.But I dont know how often most amazons do that loud call.He doesnt do it a ton but it makes me jump out of my skin every single time.It starts first thing around 8ish.I thought at first he just wanted his breakfast or out of the cage but he does it if hes out or not.
I dont mind so much but I worry about the rest the family.I mean im not the only one that lives here, especially my hubby, he isnt necessarily an animal person.

He makes lots of other noises too.He chirps most the time like a little parakeet and he makes monkey noises.I cant describe it, like a very soft whooting sound.He was about 6ft from one of those bird clock things and makes the noises off that.
I have one of those bird clocks too but it only works half the time and the bird sounds never stay lined up with the correct bird.LOL Maybe PAco can take its place..


Nov 16, 2011
Amazons can be very loud when they want to be!! My Zon screams for my attention when I leave the room, but I am ignoring her totally and hoping she will eventually stop once she realises that screaming does not get my attention!! Have you got plenty of toys for him while he is out? something to distract him!! I can only suggest ignoring the screams as I do, and when he dosent do it give him a treat and praise :)


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Dec 1, 2011
I know a lot of birds scream at dawn and dusk, although I've never actually had that, but it's supposed to be normal. Maybe that is why he is doing it in the morning. I think it's how they all check in with the flock.

Pete thankfully doesn't scream that much, but he is definitely the loudest bird I have when he does. He does it when he is upset, and overly excited. So he will do it when I leave the room sometimes, but obviously I have to do things other than sit here with him. I just try to ignore it, but I know it scares Merlin. After he screams for a bit, he starts barking like a dog and that can go on for several minutes.

I would say overall though he doesn't scream as much as a conure (thankfully for as loud as he is!). And he doesn't scream as much as he did the first few weeks he was here. Back then he would do it every night when I needed to make dinner.


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Feb 15, 2012
Twitter, 3yo greencheek conure..Paco 15yo Orangewing Amazon.
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Amazons can be very loud when they want to be!! My Zon screams for my attention when I leave the room, but I am ignoring her totally and hoping she will eventually stop once she realises that screaming does not get my attention!! Have you got plenty of toys for him while he is out? something to distract him!! I can only suggest ignoring the screams as I do, and when he dosent do it give him a treat and praise :)

He doesnt take treats from me yet and doesnt play with toys either.He just sits there and looks around(and screams)...I just dont know if this is something that is to be expected on a daily basis..Like finding a balance between what is a natural behavior and controlling it so we can live together peacefully.

Roxy, Paco makes my conure sound like a parakeet compared to his screaming..Good lord I do appreciate how quiet greencheeks are now..


Nov 16, 2011
Hopefully it may just because he is trying to get used to his new surroundings and its his way of letting you know he is there... Maybe once he gets used to playing with his toys, this will also be a distraction for him.... If he was not used to having toys before, then its all new to him... I no how you feel , the screaming can drive you to total distraction!!


Feb 19, 2012
Sydney, Australia
1 x Scarlet Macaw, 2 x DYHA's
Yes, my birds have a good scream around 8 a.m. and again at sunset. If it doesn't go on for TOO long, it might be something you have to get used to. How long does Paco keep screaming for?

If you want, you can try to keep Paco's room (or cage) darkened using blinds and curtains (or a cage cover). This might help you cope with the morning screaming better because then, you have some control over at what time the sun rises for Paco. Don't abuse this, though, and leave it dark for Paco until 11 a.m. or something, because Paco will figure it out from all the daytime noises happening around him, and then this method won't work anymore.

P.S. Is Paco's screaming a problem during the day (ie, not just in the morning and evening)?
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Feb 15, 2012
Twitter, 3yo greencheek conure..Paco 15yo Orangewing Amazon.
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Well today its a problem.This is the first time he has screamed off and on incessantly for the last hour.Im getting a bit ticked off and told him to shut up already.
He is out of his cage and can fly where ever he wants, he doesnt have a problem flying to the kitchen or back room when he feels like it.So I have no idea why he is screaming.


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Dec 1, 2011
Rowdy was doing that all afternoon a few weeks ago and I never did figure out why. There was absolutely nothing going on outside; everyone was at work! Someone else here who lives close to me said her birds were behaving oddly at the same time, so I wondered if we had some minor earth tremors that I didn't feel, but she knew about. She scared Merlin so much that Merlin started plucking some of her new belly feathers. I could not get her to shut up for anything.

Could be hormonal as well. I know zons have that tendency when hormonal, especially the males. If that is the problem, the vet can give him an injection to tame down the hormones. Merlin just got one to try to bring the Bornavirus symptoms down.


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Feb 15, 2012
Twitter, 3yo greencheek conure..Paco 15yo Orangewing Amazon.
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Its house cleaning for me today and this is the first time he as followed me from room to room.I mean if I go into the kitchen he flys in here.If I go into the livingroom he flys back to his cage.If I go out of the room he turns around and watches me...Maybe he is feeling insecure today or Im just on his good list today.Trust me Im flattered and feeling like maybe he is starting to trust me a bit.
I had to put him in his cage this morning when I ran to the store.He kept landing on my shoulder after I put on my jacket.I get the impression he did not want me to leave.


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Dec 1, 2011
He probably didn't want you to leave. Mine all get upset about it. Rowdy says in this very pathetic way, "Be right back? Be right back?" Now Pete is saying it too, but more like an order, "Be right back!"


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Feb 14, 2012
Alberta, Canada
Currently bird less.
FeeBee also does his 'singing' at 8am and again at about 4pm. He used to squawk loudly but lately if I start whistling when he squawks he will copy that. So now we will whistle together for a good 2 - 3 mins. Then he's done and satisfied.

He also screamed or squawked when I would leave the room. But we have trained him to use his wolf whistle as a contact call instead and I will whistle it back to him. Seems to work really well.

Whenever I'm leaving the house though, I will tell him where I'm going and always say 'I'll be right back'.


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Feb 14, 2012
Alberta, Canada
Currently bird less.
Here's a link to him squawking when his previous owner sent me his old bell toy. Can you tell he missed it? This is about as loud as he ever gets. This is also the noise he makes when the boys get to playing really loudly in the house and he gets excited.

[ame=""]Blue Fronted Amazon FeeBee remembers his old bell from his previous owner. - YouTube[/ame]


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May 4, 2011
Orange Wing Amazon
Mr. Precious cries like a baby when I leave. He can hear my voice from upstairs when I come home & that's when the screaming starts. Usually he stops when I yell that I'll be right there. The worst is when he's on my shoulder & the kids scream, making him scream right in my ear. I thought I was going to be deaf the other day. I love it when he yells at the kids "Knock it off!" when they argue. You can't help but stop fighting & laugh.


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Feb 15, 2012
Twitter, 3yo greencheek conure..Paco 15yo Orangewing Amazon.
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Wow Paco is like three times as loud as that video but your blue front is gorgeous...I need to get my son over here with his video camera and see if I can catch him.I dont think its for attention because he does it no matter where Im at and about the same time each morning. He does it off and on during the day but its within reason for me.When Someone pulls up or when we leave.
Paco also wolf whistles and will do the first half and expect us to finish the whistle.Its really fun.
I only would like him to be quiet on the weekends when my hubby sleeps in.Like at least till about 9:30...Im going to try covering his cage with a dark sheet tonight and see if he sleeps in a little tomorrow.

I just hope he never picks up my annoying chihuahua.Just what I need two chihuahuas yapping..LOL


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Dec 1, 2011
IF he doesn't realize it's light outside, he will probably be quiet in the morning for longer. Mine all sleep in much longer on overcast days than sunny ones. Sometimes if it is dark I have to get them up because it's getting kind of late. That might work.

Yes, Pete does a Jack Russel bark. I'm not a great fan of the barking of small dogs, so I kind of wish he learned German Shepard or something, lol! And now that Merlin is barking as well it does get kind of annoying, lol!


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Feb 14, 2012
Alberta, Canada
Currently bird less.
Oh Doris, I feel for you. lol That's about as loud as FeeBee ever gets. I used to have a Quaker and he could make your ears ring. I consider myself lucky these days.


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Dec 12, 2010
Jake YNA 1970,Kia Panama amazon1975, both i removed from nest and left siblings, Forever Home to,Stacie (YN hen),Mickie (RLA male),Blinkie (YNA hen),Kong (Panama hen),Rescue Zons;Nitro,Echo,Rocky,Rub
Could Paco be an older exbreeder bird ? Yeah he's got that OWA scream,they're famous for that very special "scream". I'm trying to breed that out and only limited success. Even babies who've never heard their parents do that call ,will still do it, instinct.


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+5 parrotlets
My yellow napes typically make a racket for about 30 minutes in the morning and about 30 minutes in the evening. Since I have multiples though, they can get each other going and for some strange reason, certain days they will just go on and on for 45 minutes to an hour and a half at a time. Normal is a couple 30 minute vocal periods. And most of that isn't screaming so much as obnoxious noises.

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