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May 16, 2015
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Goblin my rescued adult female Fischer x masked Lovebird
and Gremlin my baby male Sun Conure
Gremlin is the love of my life but he has started this obnoxious screaming behaviour recently. It drives my partner, myself and all our other furry/feathery family insane. I'm sure there have been posts about this in the past but I haven't found anything in the last 5 pages so figured maybe it's time for an update?

He screams in the morning which is fine he's calling out and we don't mind that- we've been told by our avian vet to call back (which usually calms him down). But he has started doing it at random times now. We make sure we don't let hm out when he's screaming and don't use the cage as punishment.

pleeeeease help!!! And thank you in advance!!
If it's flock calling you just call back. If it works in the morning, just do the same any time. How much time does he get out of his cage?
My sunnie, Skittles, used to screech a LOT more than he does now.

Screeching in the morning and at sunset is totally normal. They are calling the flock. Letting your sunny know where you are by calling back should work.

However, if your sunnie is screeching non-stop or throughout the day regularly there could be something going on. Suns are very social and if they want something they WILL let you know. Skittles will screech LOUDLY and incessantly if he senses danger, his head feathers will rise and he'll go on defense.

If your sunny is already screeching in his cage, it could be that he wants to come out. If he is already out and is screeching, he may want something or sense danger. I found that buy trying to understand Skittles signals it REALLY helped decrease the screeching. Now, Skittles can go hours without a single loud screech.
My Jenday and Sunday scream when the mood hits them, if they're looking out the window and see neighbors out in their yard they will scream. They scream when I come home from being out somewhere. They scream when they feel I ought to be inside the house instead of outside hanging up laundry. I have no answers, this just seems to be how they are. They're not generally considered to be quiet type birds, however everyone has different experiences.
Ahhh the glory and majesty that is a screaming sun conure. The best advice I can give you, as you bask in the glow of such face-melting, ear-drum shattering melodics, is to have ZERO reaction. Nada. Zip. That means no positive or negative reply. Let it run its course, it won't go on for long (unless it's become a behavioral disorder on the part of the bird). They're just being suns. The more you react, whether negatively or positively, the more you encourage this behavior to chronic levels.

Now there are exceptions. You want to check on the sun to make sure they're not in any kind of danger. If you are in another room and the sun calls, it's considered good manners to say "I'm here!" so they know that you're not lost or worse, that you have not been eaten by the dresser or the ceiling fan. Things like that.

Good luck! Suns can be very 'quiet' actually, when they're not doing their mostly infrequent calls. They don't chatter non stop. You'll be fine, just be consistent with NR (no reaction).
I find Skittles is the most vocal when I am not around or in his line of sight. He 'usually' follows me when I leave the room.

Like BoomBoom said, if there's nothing going on with your sun and you are in his/her line of sight, just let it run it's course.

The worst thing you can do is show a reaction. That's what signals to them to keep doing it. They see your reaction so ignoring it is best.

Skittles and I have an understanding. I pay the rent and he lets me live here.
Skittles and I have an understanding. I pay the rent and he lets me live here.

I can relate to this haha! I've always said it's Boomer's apartment, I just live in it.

@proudbirdmum: One more thing I wanted to add that might help you. When you go out of the room (or as Skitty's Dad said, out of the bird's line of sight), chances are he will call out to make sure you're okay. A little preemptive action helps in this case. To skip the part where the bird calls out for you, tell him where you're going. I would always tell Boomer "I'm going over there" or "Wanna come with me?" He will either just quietly stay put or he fly to my shoulder. Saves me a screech or two (or three).
Conures are loud birds! They just scream because well they just need to vocalize their feelings or what they saw that day. Or that there is a story they need to tell you. Or that they are full or hungry, maybe thirsty even though there bowl is right there but why get up from your comfy perch? :D So what I'm trying to say is they like to vocalize. I would say kick back relax and get the ear plugs out! Ignore it at least try. Its hard but possible. Just think of the good times like how cute and cuddly he is.
Boy do I hear you, and I feel for you. A year and 1/2 ago, I adopted from an elderly couple our Sun Conure. The first few months he was great! Then he started screaming a bit, then a bit more and then it was almost NON STOP through out the day.

It was enough to make you want to rip your hair out! I/we tried EVERYTHING, moving him throughout the house, covering and uncovering his cage, letting him be out all day, trying to redirect his screaming with talking, toys, treats, you name it, I tried it, I even came here a posted a few months ago and didn't get a chance to follow it up...but Sunny was truly on his last feather around here.

Finally one day in my frustration I moved him into our office and I shut the door to muffle the sound...I just couldn't take it any more! Turns out...Sunny LOVES the office! He is such a happy camper now and the difference in his personality is like night and day!

He is 4 1/2 years old and I don't know if his screaming was just a "teenage phase" and all sun's go through it, or if he was just over stimulated.

I believe it might be a little of both, but more leaning toward the over stimulation. We have a very very busy household and instead of enjoying being in the center of the action, he was incredibly overwhelmed and his stress came out as screaming.

He has been living in our 'office' now for a couple months. We are in and out all different times through out the day to use the computer, so it's not like he's been cast to some lonely room with no attention.

He pretty much never screams anymore...and if he does seem to start feeling overwhelmed and starts squawking out of the "norm" we will simply shut the door and let him have his space.

Finally...we found balance and we are all happy!

It's not the arrangement I wanted for him, I really thought he'd love being out with the other birds and in the hub of the house where all the action takes place...but what I thought and what he apparently wanted were two different things.

I am so happy to have found this solution and it's working great for now. I truly love the little chap and hope I can do what it takes to continue to keep him happy.

I know it doesn't seem like much help, it's hard to know what could be causing your guys' screaming. But try moving his cage to other area's of the house, maybe, quite by accident you will find a place he seems to prefer to be and he will quiet down to "normal" conure chatter/calling.

Oh my goodness, thank you all for your comments, concerns and advice. I've been staying home from uni for a couple of days and so I've been able to monitor his daily routine. He screams in the morning- calling (totally fine). I've started preemptively bringing him out and letting him cuddle with my partner for about half an hour before they both wake up. This seems to work really well but I don't know if there might be any repercussions in the future. Does anyone know?

When we're home he's out for 8-10 hours. When we're not it depends on our uni schedule but even so we find atleast 3-6 hours depending on the day. He screams when we hears our car pulling up into the driveway. I'm sure this is calling as well but this doesn't stop when we enter the house and call back. He only stops if we let him out and he gets to "snuggle". I totally know this is completely wrong but I'm so lost about how to control it.

He calls for a bit if he's in his cage and he see's me walking around. I will try the trick of talking to him while I'm moving about.

We've found recently that he seems very frustrated with us. He nips pretty hard now. He's also gotten very stubborn because of our lack of discipline up until this point. We're no longer allowing him to land on our head/ shoulders, hands only. Its gotten pretty bad but I'm reaaaaally hoping it's a phase. Do you think he needs more enrichment? We put branches/ flowers/ grass in his cage for the times we're not around. Can't think of other natural play things, any advice there? Do you think we need to start training him properly? He just seems like he has pent up frustration and I'm at a loss about how to fix it for him.

Once again I so appreciate you all for taking the time to write back. Thank you so much. I feel like I'm not totally alone in this! thank you thank you thank you
If it's flock calling you just call back. If it works in the morning, just do the same any time. How much time does he get out of his cage?

How do I do a flock call back to my bird? do i scream back with his noise or should hey say "hey conny conny, im coming!!"
When we get home and Pixie screams, I say, "Hello, Pixie! Hello!" and she replies with a "hello". And then goes back to screaming.
If it's flock calling you just call back. If it works in the morning, just do the same any time. How much time does he get out of his cage?

How do I do a flock call back to my bird? do i scream back with his noise or should hey say "hey conny conny, im coming!!"

I use a distinctive whistle. (Tarzan, actually.) They whistle to me, I whistle back.
You can always use a 'birdy' voice. When I talk to Skittles I use a soft 'baby' voice (like you would talk to a baby) and when I catch him being naughty I just use my regular voice. He likes my 'birdy' voice because he will usually make 'kissy noises' when I talk in birdy voice.

For me, if I call to Skittles he will fly over to me every time - so I only do that when I want him to follow and he hasn't.

I have him very well trained. He knows he can't follow me outside the apartment and I rarely leave him alone outside the cage. Only if I'm gonna be right back and I know he's occupied. He's usually is so concerned with 'protecting the property' that he will stand guard beside the door (he has a perch toy right near it) so he doesn't have time to cause mischief.

Funny thing is - he knows he's not allowed to see Peaches. So when it comes time to change her food & water. I don't put him back in his cage. I go in the bathroom and turn on the light. He then flies over the shower rod and stays there while I take care of Peaches. He will not try to follow me at that time. I come back in to change her water and then after I've done that - I come back to get him. He knows he's allowed to follow me the second time I go in and not the first.

It amazes how incredibly smart he is.

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