Seedless watermelon


New member
Mar 29, 2012
Pittsurgh PA
Kia-Goffin Cockatoo, Paco-Indian Ringneck
Might be a dumb question, I bought a seedless watermelon for the birdies. Are the little white seeds ok for them? I tired googling it but I cant find anything. Only thing I seen was people saying it's ok to give the black seeds to the birds. I want to make sure before I give them some.
I do not thing watermelon seeds are harmful to our birds. If they were Rosie would be very unhealthy about now. Some fruit seeds and apple seeds are toxic with cyanide in them.
Well, if I'm correct the white seeds are just immature versions of the black seeds(that's what I was always told anyway). So I would assume if black seeds are safe then so are the white ones, or at least if the white ones weren't you'd think they would specify that while saying the black ones are okay. If you are still worried about it you could just give your vet a call and ask them.
Watermelons are curcubits (relatives of squashes, pumpkins, and gourds), and their seeds are not toxic. It's drupes (fleshy fruits with a central pit, also known as stone fruits) which you want to watch out for. The pits of apples, peaches, cherries, apricots, and similar such fruits contain trace amounts of cyanide; harmless to us, with our larger body size, but they might poison a small bird.

(Almonds are also drupes, by the way, but humans have selectively bred them for low toxicity. Still, I'd be careful about feeding a lot of almonds to a bird in one sitting. Small amounts of almond should be safe, though.)
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Thanks everyone, Paco and Kia enjoyed their watermelon tonight. First time for watermelon for both birds and it was a hit!

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