New member
Hiii, just a quick question. I have two young senegals (both under two years old, the male a few months older), they behave as a bonded pair, feeding each other, preening each other, loud contact-calling if they are not in the same room and flying together everywhere, but they are still young, so could be just a friendship. The thing is, the male is very protective of his girlfriend and territory (cage and a portion of room close to the cage). If you are close to the cage, you will have an angry senegal fly to your head and start biting your hair or ears. He does let me clean their cage and change the dishes, with warning bites sometimes, but we are usually cool with each other. I don't mind him being a bird doing bird things, he doesn't have to be a pet and enjoy petting or cuddling. The female senegal is extremely friendly with our whole family and I recently started getting her used to clicker. The male senegal had basic training (step up and recall with and without clicker) before we got her and he reacted great to it. But since we got her, he stopped reacting completely, he doesn't accept treats and does his own thing. It's not a problem now, but could it become a problem in the future, especially with his territorial aggression?