Should I take this out of his cage?


Mar 4, 2018
Washington State
Nico - male Turquoise GCC
So I happen to have this little tent that my parents bought for me in Japan that I've kept in Nico's cage since day one. I'd read all about Happy/Snuggle Huts and how they kill birds, but hadn't taken mine out because it is made of a different kind of fabric (not as plush/fluffy, more like very thin fleece or a microfiber towel). I've never seen Nico even attempt to chew on the tent and it looks brand new, when I turn the lights out he goes up there and sleeps in it every night. I researched again and now I'm scared. I know he loves it, but should I take it out for his safety?


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Yes i would remove it. It’s not only that they represent a choking hazard, but they also encourage hormonal/mating behaviours which can turn into agression.

I don’t know what marketing genius it was who managed to convince us that pet birds need these things to sleep in but they really don’t!
Yes, take it out ASAP...They cause severe hormonal issues, and Green Cheeks are especially prone to this happening...Plus they can still pick at fabric when you don't see them, it gets caught in their Crops, and trouble ensues..

They don't need ANY special place/bed/box to sleep in at all...They sleep on perches naturally. You shouldn't have any types of small boxes, tents, huts, etc., or anything that can be used as nesting material, such as fabric, cloth, bedding, wood chips, etc. All of that stuff causes hormonal issues...

Just let him sleep normally on his perches/branches like they naturally do..He'll be fine. No hormonal issues, no deaths...
Take it out! And believe it or not your bird doesn't need a hut or tent. I was worried when I took out Finn's tent but he just cuddles on one of his softer toys I put in his sleep cage at night now. He's fine and in fact he sleeps better because he's not constantly adjusting.

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