Silly bird!

Dec 14, 2014
R.I.P Kiwiberry, GCC.
Hello everyone!
I've been pretty inactive lately, so I figured it might be time for an update and try to get active again.-

Kiwiberry is doing good, although she's wrecked part of the wall behind our bedroom door. She tore it up GOOD!
We've started harness training again, she's doing pretty good with that as well, I started using the actual head hole a couple times during yesterday's session, she wasn't too thrilled with it, I just let it go above the beak and then give her a treat.
I use the wing bit for training so I can gradually make the loop smaller, she's poked her head through a couple times to get a treat, so that's really good!
We sometimes use toilet paper to practice as well.
I'm trying to work on her not biting/playing with the harness when we train, but I'm not having much luck, I guess it'll work out over time :)

She spent the night in bed with me last night, she was as all pressed up against me, then when I woke up to change position she kept running after me trying to find my body, silly girl!
When she found me again she'd just mush herself against me. She's done this a lot lately, sleep in my bed, I try not to fall asleep with her (for obvious reasons). But when I do happen to fall asleep with her I usually wake up after an hour or so and put her back in her cage.
She's started making kissing noises. When you ask for a kiss she'll get all excited, screech, grab your nose and give it a little kiss.

She LOVES being on the balcony, the weather's been freally lovely lately, except a few days of rain, but we're always on the balcony together when it's sunny, it gets TOASTY when the windows are closed out there, so she has to bathe and drink a lot.

Today we saw something I've never seen before ... A bird flew past the balcony with a big trail of toilet paper behind it this morning, Kiwiberry FREAKED which is what caught my attention and made me look. I didn't see the actual bird 'cause of the morning sun, but it was pretty obvious it was a bird.

School's going great too, I've been slacking a little bit though 'cause the group I for some reason ended up in is focused on getting jobs, the other group is for getting you back to a proper school. But I have a meeting with a counsellor tomorrow to talk about studies, I'll update the thread and let you know how that went, if you're interested.
The weather's good, like I said, which is a pretty good mood booster ;) If only Kiwiberry would wear her harness so we could go to the park!
But I feel like we're getting pretty close to that, as long as she lets me put it on her head we'll almost be good to go, she doesn't mind wing handling as much, especially when distracted.

I (accidentally) hit a guy in my class with a chair, he'd been pissing me off for a little over a week so he deserved it. And I don't like how talks about women, so that too made him deserve it.
Oh and I scared a teacher so she almost spilt coffee over herself, was kinda funny. I felt a bit bad afterwards though 'cause I didn't think it all the way through, luckily it was cold coffee (she was gonna get some more coffee) and it didn't spill. Now she calls me turd... In front of people too, but I don't care, she's got a sense of humour so we joke around a lot. Good teacher!
We have like 3 teachers and they're all pretty good with jokes and everything, it makes it more fun to go to school :)

Anyway, what happened was; she was walking down the stairs to get new coffee, I snuck up behind her and stomped freally hard walking down the stairs right behind her. Oh gosh, you should have seen her reaction!! It was hilarious.

I tried to become a blood donor but they said my vein is too small, surely they could have used a smaller gauge then?
My veins are fine for blood testing and that, but apparently they use thicker needles when you donate.
Now, if they claim they need more people to donate blood, then why would they deny someone for something like that? Why can't they just use a finer needle, does anyone know?

And the last update; 119 days sober!
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Hi Sebastian! Glad you decided to chime in :)

Kiwiberry! lol you have to watch them, my Mom's goffin destroyed a couple of pieces of woodwork when she was left unsupervised for just a few minutes.

Awesome progress on the harness training! Bet you'll be going to parks soon, you better plan on taking pictures for us!;)

Aww, she grabs your nose and gives you a kiss? How cute is that??! Little birdie kisses are so sweet!

Glad school is going good for you!! You've really come a long way!
It always helps when you like the teachers ;)

And the last update; 119 days sober!

It's awesome getting an update, thank you so much!! :)

I didn't mean to giggle, I promise, but when I read the part where Kiwiberry wrecked part of your wall I busted up laughing. :21: Will you be able to fix it?

Oh please, please, please be careful if she's in the bed with you. I know how much you love her, and I don't want any accidents to happen - you know what I mean?

I have NO clue why they couldn't use a smaller gauge needle for blood donations. :confused: You'd think if they were truly in need for blood, they would, right? Strange!

MANY congrats on your 119 days of being sober!! :D
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Lissa: I know right?! Did I show you the picture of what she did?
Oh no! Were you able to fix them?

What do you mean I should take pictures? I've never heard of that before...

Yeah, she's quite the charmer ;)

Thank you! Yeah it does, and time goes by so fast, too fast, I don't even know how long I've been there... Feels like 5 weeks but it's been way longer lol

Thanks :)

Wendy: well I'm gonna have to! It doesn't look good... At all. Luckily it's behind the door haha!

I know, but we've both settled down in bed every evening for quite some time, but I'd always put her in her cage if she fell asleep before me or if I feel I'm about to fall asleep. But I've been really tired lately I guess. I should probably go to bed earlier so we can cuddle up before we go night night lol

I know! It makes no sense to me. And the lady just said 'your vein's not good enough...'
I should have told her to stop sugar coating it and tell me like it is

Thank you! :) can't believe it's already been that long, feels amazing! It's like I've been reborn
Thanks for this great update, very nice to hear from you!

So sorry Kiwi found it necessary to go after your wall, it was thoughtful of her to do her handiwork behind the door at least.

It's great that you and Kiwi have such a strong bond. Good luck with the harness training.

I'm glad you're doing well in school, sounds like you're enjoying it too, that's always a nice bonus.

I have no idea why the blood bank would deny you for having small veins.

Congratulations on 119 days sober!
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Yeah but I still love her lol it's the first time she's been destructive in any kind of way. She doesn't even care too much for shredding toys

Thank you :)

I am, I think it's time to start reading up my grades soon, I'm getting a little nervous.

Thank you! :)
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And thank you too, doglovespeace! [emoji322][emoji322]

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