

New member
Nov 9, 2006
one orange wing
Havent heard from Slayor for a while...hey boy are u out there? tex need some back up
Actually, come to think of it, I haven't seen slayor around either ... wonder if s/he forgot all about the help we offered after s/he got his/her budgie?
No haven't heard a word, or even seen him on the board.

Maybe its just us women, we scare all the men away. :D
hey what about that redballon dude? i saw him when i first joined athen he like never came back... :confused:

Ah so its you scaring all the men away is it. :D :D :D Yeah he hasn't been around for quite a while now.
maybe they r really really busy or something...or just used us ya know:confused::(
Yeah know what you mean, but I think we have to remember just how young he is, (yes I know my maternal side is coming out again.)
Sry...dint meen to make u guys all feel dirty:(:( just a thought tho

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