Smelly Bird


New member
Dec 2, 2011
Eastern panhandle of WV
Kazi - 13 yr old yellow nape amazon rescue
The good news is shy Kazi willingly gave me 'kisses' today. The bad news is Kazi stinks!

He has a sort of sour smell. Is this normal with Amazons? I'll deal with it, I have a disgustingly stinky chihuahua mix, but I'm curious if it's normal, a sign of a bird who needs a bath or something else.

I had introduced Tony to the shower and he loved going for one so much he would get annoyed when i switched it off..George..
My bird has a bit of a smell, too, between showers. Petey is a dirty birdie who is getting one today, lol! He was supposed to get one yesterday but the power was off all morning (no idea why).
Healthy, clean birds should not have a bad odor. If it persist after showers I would rule out anything medical with a check up.
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Thanks you guys! I think it's a lack of preferred bathing methods myself. He doesn't bathe in the dishes around like some of the birds, and he's afraid of the spray bottle unlike some of the birds and he doesn't care for the misting he gets if he's in the aviary when it's being power washed (don't worry, none of the birds get hit with the power wash stream itself, just the spray from where it hits the floors and cages). So I'm wondering if a shower won't win him over. Either way, Kazi's getting a bath when he comes home!
Yes, if the smell is that bad, it could be some kind of fungus or something. I would call my bird not exactly unpleasant. He doesn't smell like roses or chocolate chip cookies, but he doesn't smell bad either. It is also a very slight odor. I don't always notice it.
I got my 1st birds (2 baby budgies) from a private rescue & I turn to the owner of that rescue for many of my bird questions. When I was thinking about adding a bird, she said, "Smell it, before you commit to living with it."

I was surprised, but she said that different people perceive different birds as having a pleasant/unpleasant smell.

So, my Amazon & Grey don't have a smell to me. Neither do the budgies or the linnies. But the Pionus has a baby powder smell, sweet & pleasant.

If your amazon has an unpleasant smell, it is either a bathing issue (probably fungus or bacteria on the bird) or a 'how you smell' issue.

Does anyone else smell the bad smell on the bird?

If not, it is your perception & will be hard to live with. If so, your vet might be able to help.

Just my 2 cents - ask other people to smell the bird & tell you how they think it smells.
Amazons normally have a sweetish, sort of musky scent that's not really strong, but is noticeable. Most parronts seem to like it, but a few people can be sensitive to it. Try giving Kazi a bath and see if it makes a difference.
You say: "I have a disgustingly stinky chihuahua mix".

Maybe you just need to clean (shower) birds as well as dogs...
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You say: "I have a disgustingly stinky chihuahua mix".

Maybe you just need to clean (shower) birds as well as dogs...

Haha, the chi definitely, the other two don't smell. I don't know why she does, but for such a tiny dog she can sure put off the stink after sitting in the sun for a bit!
Interesting that some people can smell birds more than others. My ex bf would complain once in awhile that the birds or their cages stunk. I cleaned the cages everyday. They don't smell bad to me. Like I said i can pick up a very slight odor sometimes on the zon. Not really on the Nanday though. And I didn't have the zon when I dated him; just 2 conures.

I don't like how chickens smell though.
I'm not sure how to describe Puck's smell, maybe kind of pungent? I have an impaired sense of smell, but my mom said it was pungent. I can sort of smell it but it doesn't smell bad though.

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