Snappy baby


New member
Feb 1, 2012
Winchester area, VA
Went to visit my boy again this afternoon and again he was pretty nervous and snapping at me. I snuggled him at my chest and he was rooting under my chin trying to hide and then out of the blue he came up and bit my lip. Aw thanks for the V day kiss! He was a bit grumpy today..well okay he's sort of grumpy everyday.

I put him back on my lap and just kept stroking around his head and face and he finally got all calm, had his beak resting on my finger and looked like he was going to go to sleep. When the lady took him and put him back in his cage she said he did his business right away. I'm rather surprised he didn't do it on me, surely he didn't get all still and calm because he was holding it?

He keeps up with the snappiness and I'm calling him Hannibal :eek:


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Some birds don't poop on their owners. So far neither Merlin or Pete have pooped on me. Rowdy poops on me all the time though:D
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Nice..I wasn't sure if that was something that required training or not. I can't wait to bring him home and see if being around me more and me being the caregiver helps him with his attitude. I asked them if it was something I was doing wrong and they admitted he was a bit of a cranky boy. That's fine, I can deal with that if that's all it is.
You can use the not pooping on you idea to potty train him! Watch when he does poop, and give a command (like saying "poop") and he'll associate the word with the action. Then, he'll poop when you say it. So you can bring him to somewhere that is okay to poop. If he becomes a talker, he might even tell you when he has to poop. BTW, many of them seem to like the word "poop". It seems fun for them to say.
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Ha, yeah my green cheek is sort of trained that way now. He knows he needs to go before he's allowed on my shoulder and I can sort of tell most of the time when he needs to go again so it's back to the playground for that. He does know the poop word, learned it pretty quick and was too good at it. One day my former housemate's daughter came to my doorway to talk to me, his cage was right there and he climbed right over onto her shoulder. She said "He better not poop on me! He better not poop on me!" ..oh no, don't say the *p* word...oops too late. :eek:

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