So excited!


New member
Jan 8, 2015
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New Mexico
--PUMPKIN - male YS GCC. Hatched Halloween Day 2014. Came home Jan. 4, 2015. Started talking in July '15!

-BUTTERNUT- female TYS GCC Hatched in late Jan. 2016 and came home March 14, 2016
Pumpkin started his first molt in late March, so it has been A WHILE now. Ive been checking literally every day to see if any flight feathers were going to come in on this molt. Well this morning he has a BEAUTIFUL new blue flight feather! Grown in over night. He must have worked quick at removing the casing because i never saw it! Im so excited for him to start flying. Ive been doing a lot of research. We have started practicing getting him to hop and flutter to me to build up his muscles. Hes getting more confident jumping to me. I just cant wait till i see more blue feathers!

EDIT: Two days ago he also started saying "Hi Pumpkin" :) Now we say it back and forth to eachother haha
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Just an update! He grew in one very long flight feather on each wing but his molt seems to be ending now. So I guess I have to wait for the rest of them to come in. I have been trying to convince him to fly more and more we are making slow progress as mentioned in another thread. Also over the last few weeks he has learned to say a few phrases.

"Hi Pumpkin"
"Come - 'ere"
And he mimicks my tongue clicks
He also gives kisses when asked.

He's such a smart and sweet little bird. I love green cheek clowns....err...conures!
My pazu is a bit older and still not molted his flight feather's :(
My pazu is a bit older and still not molted his flight feather's :(

I don't think they molt all their feathers on each molt. It may take two to grow back in or even three. Like I said Pumpkin only got one flight feather on each wing... we just have to wait for the next one l. :)
I can't understand what green cheeks say even when I watch youtube videos. :( so my poor guy will be misunderstood his whole life.
Haha I wasn't sure about it at first either. But the cadence helped me figure it out. And the more he says "Hi Pumpkin" (his favorite thing to say) the clearer it gets. At first I thought it was just wishful thinking, but other people hear it too.

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