Store experience


New member
Aug 24, 2005
Cedar Park, TX
sun conure girls: Allie & Kira
So today my friend and I went to a local pet store and they had more than usual. Well today they had two Congo African Grey! WOw that was a hoot!!!! One just was constantly talking! It was great! we would walk away and it would start clicking at us or doing cat whistles. Does anyone have a grey. Gosh I would love to own one someday!
Hi there Emily, yes I have a CAG called Bucc, he is wonderful hopefully in the summer I am to be a new parent to another CAG. Bucc is nearly a year old now and is a real character, If I should for a second not talk to him he will sit there saying hello Bucc, hello mum. First thing in the morning he will be in his cage and after about an hour of me being up he will start, step up mum, meaning he would like to come out, if that fails we get the wolf whistle, and clicks, and if I dare not let him out he has resorted to BUCC WANTS OUT NOW!!, When that definately fails he will ask politely, Bucc want out now please, Its certainly not boring living with a CAG, and I would recommend getting one to anyone who wants one, and has the time to spend with one. But at the other end of the scale a lot of research should be done before hand as they have a lot of ways about them, known as one person birds, introducing new things takes a lot of time, etc etc

Peta and Bucc
So today my friend and I went to a local pet store and they had more than usual. Well today they had two Congo African Grey! WOw that was a hoot!!!! One just was constantly talking! It was great! we would walk away and it would start clicking at us or doing cat whistles. Does anyone have a grey. Gosh I would love to own one someday![/QUOT I HAVE A CAG. they are everything wonderful you can think of!!!!! Mine is a plucker , I can't break her she is 20 yrs old. I resued her.. She doesn't know it, but she resued me.
I have 3 CAGs! They are best birds ever! I couldn't imagine my life without them!
Not sure that you'll get any kind of response from the other members in this thread as its 5 years old and neither member is still active ;)
Leave it to greycloud to throw a monkey wrench into the mix

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