

New member
Jun 14, 2010
Calgary, Ab, Canada
Chia!!!! Cinnamon GCC
Hiroshi just did the strangest thing, we were playing. I was on my back and he was on my chest. All of a sudden he threw his toy and started to "strut" with his neck stretched and the feathers around his neck poofed. He did this walking back and forth across my chest. When I tried to offer him his toy he attacked it like it was evil and came back on my chest. What the heck? lol Is this some form of display? Did he suddenly find his toy to be a threat??:confused::confused:
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Anyone? He's still acting super insane. He keeps strutting around and I went to answer the phone while he was on me and he attacked the phone but got my fingers instead! Does someone have insight to what is going on? Could it be hormones???
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Thanks Ben. That does explain it. The girl I adopted him from said he was around 6 months old....But if he was doing courtship behaviors wouldn't it be too early? Maybe she was wrong about his age..

Either way this is nutty. He is acting aggressive towards anything I come to contact with. Any suggestions on what I should do??? I tired distracting him with toys but he lashes out at his toys even! Maybe a nap??? eeek...
Would he benefit from a bit of time back in his cage? not as a punishment (we don't want to do that) but just as a bit of time out to cool off. Apart from eddies occasional toy thrashing, I haven't experienced much aggression so I'm not an expert.

If he was only 6 months then yea i would think its too early for that sort of behaviour, maybe he's just being a grumpy little goofball;)
Also, just to rule it out - has anything changed in his environment to normal? or are you wearing new clothes that he hasn't seen etc?... It may sound weird but this can sometimes spark aggression and mood change.
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Thats funny you mentioned the thing about the clothing, my mom said the same thing. I am wearing something he hasn't seen before and he seemed to be intensely interested in it(on my shirt is where the "strut" started) Possibly could be the clothing lol. I also cleaned out both his cages and added an extra toy.

He's a lot better now, its nighttime here and he has calmed down quite a bit. Tomorrow I'll wear something less interesting and see how he feels about it lol.

I can't believe I'll even be dressing for him! hehehe :)
Its amazing how sometimes the smallest things make the biggest difference. You better take him shopping with you so he can pick your clothes out ;)

I remember one day and this has only ever happened once, Eddie would not let my hand in his cage. He kept lunging at me and chasing my hand all around. I'm still convinced it was something I was wearing but I couldn't figure out what - it was such a unique incident. I also had a friend who had a sweater that she could not wear around her cockatiel, as he would just flip out! Its weird
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They are such picky little creatures!! lol I'll try a different outfit tomorrow, maybe something with a little less design.

Hiroshi wasn't particularly aggressive towards me but it was like he became overly possessive of me and was showing off for me, strangest thing I've seen.

Everyday is like a new adventure with him.:sailboat2
It sounds to me like he is being possessive of you. You are his chosen one in the flock and wants every else to know it. If this is a behavior you do not want then the time out would be a way to show him this is not acceptable. Then again it just may confuse him because he is showing his love for you.
Possessiveness is a sexual behavior and, although he is a bit young for it (if the age is right which might not be because it's downright rare to find a 6 months old bird for adoption), birds in captivity do mature earlier because of the diet. Personally, I've never had a single bird react to anything I wear.
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Yes, it did seem like he was putting on a "love show" for everyone to see lol. I didnt discourage it just in case, I dont want to confuse him.

The girl I adopted him from got him from a pet store(they told her the age). She only had him for two weeks and realized she was allergic. The pet store could have very well been wrong about his age. Would his band tell me?
Birds notice the smallest things..........
I recently started wearing glasses, yipe I guess that comes with age LOL ;)
For the life of me, I can't wear them anywhere near Mishka, she freaks out.
Every time she sees me with then on she "freezes" I say to her give me a kiss please, usually she kisses immediately, now avoids kissing me if I have the glasses on.
When anywhere near her now, I take them off.
Perhaps I should change to contact lenses, then we would have better contact LoL
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Birds notice the smallest things..........
I recently started wearing glasses, yipe I guess that comes with age LOL ;)
For the life of me, I can't wear them anywhere near Mishka, she freaks out.
Every time she sees me with then on she "freezes" I say to her give me a kiss please, usually she kisses immediately, now avoids kissing me if I have the glasses on.
When anywhere near her now, I take them off.
Perhaps I should change to contact lenses, then we would have better contact LoL

LOL awh silly Mishka!:rolleyes:
Perfectly normal, I'm not sure if its a courtship thing but my green cheek struts all the time
I think bands only tell the year?

Yes they do but I figured it out, He was born in 2010 so he Can't be a year old yet. :cool: Guess I got lucky finding such a young bird for adoption:59:

Correct, at the most, he would be 6 months old. Why don't you call the petstore where the previous owner bought him and ask them the name and phone number of the breeder they purchased him from? The breeder will be able to tell you the day he was hatched from the number on the band and, that way, you can celebrate his birthday (or hatchday) every year.

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