Styptic powder scare....


New member
Oct 8, 2012
Senegal-Martini,1 pineapple conure~ Kahlua,1 GCC~ Flare, spl/b, 4 Lovebirds Halo,Tye-Die,Luna,Violet,8 Cockatiels,Num Num&Tundra,8-Ball&Angus,Magnet&Sunkist,Pearl, Blush, 1 gouldian finch, 7 canaries
My cockatiel Dexter was flying around my bird room today, like usual.
I went out for 10 minutes and came back to check on my birds. Dexter had climbed into his cage and was perched on one foot, which is extremely odd for him. Anytime he can stay out of his cage he will.
He had a little bit of blood on his belly. I took a closer look and his toe was bleeding(he had it tucked up)

I gathered one of my lovebirds had bitten him, he must have landed on the side of their cage....they had bitten his nail off completely. I have a blanket on the top of the lovebird cage to prevent just this:52:

I wrapped a towel around him so I could put some styptic powder on his toe.
He managed to wiggle his head loose, and before I could stop him, he had eaten some of the styptic powder from his injured toe nail.

I re-wrapped him again, and finished up.
I placed him back in the cage, the next thing I know, his eyes are closing, and his beak is opening and closing. It's almost like someone drugged him.

I called 2 vets(not 1 but 2!) both said the same thing.
Styptic powder has a terrible taste, and is not pleasant, it may actually numb the inside of his mouth a little bit.

I gave Dexter a heat lamp due to him shivering a bit, which helped.
He had a good sleep. I checked on him every 5 minutes, and the last time he moved down from his perch to eat....whew!!:54:
Now he's on another perch, still a little puffy.

Has anyone had this happen to their bird??
The vet told me that I'm not the only person complaining a bird has had a mild reaction after injesting the powder.
they recommended to watch him, and if he worsens to take him in.
You can also use cayenne pepper as a blood stop agent & birds can eat that without harm.....

I use styptic also.....
wow glad hes fine! you can also use flour or corn starch they work just as well and not harmful i have styptic but never had to use it and after reading this i dont think i will ill use flour.
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I think I will too after this, cayenne pepper and flour would be a better choice...who knew?
Glad Dexter is okay.. I always keep cornstarch in the kitchen cabinet, not just to make gravies, but in case an emergency does arise.
Corn starch here as well, styptic is also ok from what my breeder told me. If she uses it, its good enough for me, she holds a few degrees in Avian medicine/biology.
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Dexter is fine today, typical cocky self :) his toes is not bad either, and wanting out of his cage as usual...sorry Dex, not today :(
I didn't know that cayenne is also good for that! I know it does a lot of other good things. My mom was using it for a sore that her dog had, and it seemed to help with the pain.

I'm glad Dexter is feeling better today!

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