Guys keeping parakeets


New member
Jan 16, 2013
Hey there, just wondering how many guys out there have parakeets as pets? I thought about getting a parakeet or two, and was just wondering if guys keep parakeets or if its just a women thing.
Hello! Having a parakeet is definitely not a women thing. I recently got on and i am attached to him! They are amazing! But keep in mind that the parakeet are not so fun at first but they will start to warm up to you. I just got my parakeet 3 days ago and it has already warmed up to me. Its great and fun!
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ok I like watching them at pet stores, but get didnt know if it was weird for a guy to have them!! lol I'v always wanted to get one and teach it to talk!!

I'm a guy and these are my budgies, Capa and Quark!
I have 4 budgies right now, and have had many others in my 45+ years of bird guardianship. I'm a guy. Don't let their little size fool you. They are great birds. And can be taught many things. And, they can be excellent talkers. Google "Norman Barrett Parakeets".
I think it's cool when men have pets they like, not what men are stereotypically supposed to have. It's the caring that counts.
Get what type of bird that you want to get. Don't let your fear of it "not being a guy thing" hold you back! Do whatever you want to do! Birds don't know "gender roles" lol
You want a parakeet, get a parakeet! Don't worry about what others think.
I have two budgie's and i love them! lol eff the world! get a budgie!
A friend of mine, who i think of as an extremely 'manly' man type (but an animal lover), had one budgie he totally adored. He could see how COOL they are!! :)
In my entire life, I have never heard of any kind of pet being a guy thing or "girl thing." :rolleyes: That's ridiculous. Some people just like animals more than others, and I've had friends (both guys and girls) who love animals...and others who just weren't really into pets. It depends on the person's personality, not their gender. You get whatever kind of pet that you think you would enjoy the most, you are able to take care of, and what fits your personality.

I'm a guy, and I've had two parakeets. My first one died, unfortunately. But my 2nd one, Chipper, is doing great. And everyone who has seen him (again, both guys and girls) think he's awesome. If you want a parakeet, that's great. They can be very friendly, affectionate, and playful. But the real question you should ask yourself is if you're sure you want a bird as a pet. They are great pets, but they're not like other animals. You can't just pick it up and pet it as soon as you get it home, like you can with other small animals (hamsters, mice, rats, guinea pig, etc). You have to tame the bird first, before it will let you pet it or pick it up. And you have to be really gentle and patient. There are other things that are really different about birds than other animals. I'm not saying that you shouldn't get a bird...I'm just saying just be sure that's the kind of pet you really want. Maybe do a little reading first. When you get a pet, you're making a commitment to love that animal and take care of it, you know?

Don't get a bird just because you want it to talk. That should be the very LAST reason to get it. You should get it because you want a friendly little companion that will be fun to have and take care of. Even a species of bird that is capable of talking just might not ever talk. And that's fine. It might chirp, whistle, and make all kinds of funny little chattering noises. Some birds just never learn how to talk, it just depends on their personality. You have to accept that.

If you decide you are sure that you want a bird, then yeah, a parakeet is a great choice. They're very easy to tame, they're friendly, and they're a lot easier to take care of than other birds.
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I have 2 budgies, with the rest of my flock... :)
I had a man come and purchase a pair of Rosy Bourke Parakeets from me.
this guy was HUGE, around 6'6", burley as they come, construction boots, dirty hands, the who nine yards...then he started talking about how pretty the bourkes are and how he loves them. It was just so opposite of what he represented, but clearly he had a much softer was nice to see :)

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