Sudden egg laying! help!


Active member
Jan 15, 2022
UAE, Abudhabi
Yuko [M] - Yellow headed Budgie. [Healthy, Tame.]
Snowii [F] - BV dilute opaline lovebird. [Healthy, hand-raised.]
Luna [F] - Indigo budgie. [RIP,.]
Goodness.. What do I do? I Came back from a place to see that snowii had layed an egg.. on the corner of the cage.. i am very concerned about her health. How do I know whether the egg is fertile? She is in a flock consisting of two budgies, she's the only lovebird.. I am very surprised and stressed, Snowii's acting tired and not really sitting on the egg. she layed it only a moment ago. this is very sudden. Please help!
I recommend my Vets advice when it happened to me...see thread.

Was wondering if thread helped? I was going back in the lists looking for a gameroom chat and saw and hoped this answer helped.
Goodness.. What do I do? I Came back from a place to see that snowii had layed an egg.. on the corner of the cage.. i am very concerned about her health. How do I know whether the egg is fertile? She is in a flock consisting of two budgies, she's the only lovebird.. I am very surprised and stressed, Snowii's acting tired and not really sitting on the egg. she layed it only a moment ago. this is very sudden. Please help!
You don't have a male lovebird, right? If not the eggs are not fertile.
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You don't have a male lovebird, right? If not the eggs are not fertile.
yep! we don't have any males. And yes, I agree that it is not fertile. She has abandoned it, too- I thought she had her motherly instincts on and would be aggressive to me.. But now she's acting affectionate and following me around the house as usual.
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Was wondering if thread helped? I was going back in the lists looking for a gameroom chat and saw and hoped this answer helped.
it very much did! thank you for sending the thread! I followed some steps, but before i could finish with them, Snowii abondoned the egg And is acting as normal as possible.

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