Sun Conure question


New member
Jun 30, 2008
Ellensburg, WA
African Grey, Peach Front Conure, 2 Cockatiels, 4 Parakeets
I just got a Sun Conure and was told they can't be around cats. Has anyone ever had a problem with a Sun Conure around a cat if so what was it?
No parrot should be around cats. A simple scratch from a cat will, in all likelihood, kill your parrot. Cat's saliva and claws are so bacteria laden that
they are both simply toxic to birds. Please do not keep your birds near cats.
personally i would never own a cat and parrots - if you have a cat be super careful and never leave your bird unattended with it even in cages. When you go to work or school close the door to where the birds are so the cat can't get in while you are gone. No parrot should be forced to deal with a cat.
Not that I disagree with the conclusions, but the sentiment behind it seems skewed. I've known of many households here a small bird can dominate and terrorize a even a big dog, and certainly a cat.

Check out Red's videos, it took the dog quite a while to stand up to the bird over his food, and even then no one got hurt.

As far as diseases in their saliva and claws that would be a worthwhile concern; though I didn't know of any prior to reading Tex's post.

NO new pets should be left together unattended or unsupervised, even two cats, or two dogs, etc.
"CATS: Cats commonly have Pasteurella bacteria as part of their natural flora. While this bacteria is ubiquitous in cats and does them no harm, it is DEADLY to birds. If your bird is ever in a confrontation with a cat, take him to the vet immediately even if there are NO apparent wounds. The bird could still have been exposed to this bacteria. You should get your bird to a vet the same day if you think it has come in physical contact with a cat's saliva, feces, or food. This bacteria means even friendly relationships between cats and birds are not safe. Period."

Hey I learned something new today.

But that does not sound like you cant have a cat and a bird.... There may be deadly bacteria in my garbage can... I just don't let Auggie eat out of the garbage.

According to this source dogs have the same bacteria which is deadly to birds, though this site says it does not affect humans, which is false - humans can become infected as well. MANY people have dogs and cats, and infection is rare. I certainly know MANY people who have dogs and birds, even ones that interact regularly and it has never been a problem.

There certainly is a danger. You should certainly be aware of it. But it should not necessarily scare you into not having pets....

You could probably have an in depth discussion on the potential risks with your vet. I know what MY vet would say as I know about her HOUSEFUL of birds and cats and a couple dogs, all who interact.
Hey I learned something new today.

Wow, and I thought that my ego got larger when someone told me I was right ... the fact that you have said this makes me wonder how I am going to get my head out the door and into the pubs here on our last night in Ireland. :D:D
For what it's worth: I have sun conures and a siamese cat that considers them a much lesser life form unworthy of her interest. We always pay very close attention when the birds are out in the same room with the cat. The birds never roam about on their own when out of the cage, but are rather within our grasp at all times. We've had no problems, but we are very careful. We know that animals are animals and are hardwired in evolutionary ways. We also have a doberman mix that is intimidated by the all the birds and the cat. I'd say it depends on the individual animal.
Come on now, Siamese cats think HUMANS are lesser life forms unworthy of their attention ... :lol:
Cats and birds should never be allowed to interact. Cats carry bacteria that can be deadly to birds. Even a scratch from a cat can let that bacteria into the wound because cats are always cleaning themselves/licking their feet.

That being said...

I do have 2 cats and 6 birds and have no problem. I let the cats in the bird room and supervise them the whole time. They are not allowed in there with me. And if they show any interest in the birds I yell "NO." and if they still don't listen, I squirt them with the water bottle and then I'll kick them out of the bird room if they still don't get it. But yeah, it is possible to train a cat not to bother the birds, but I would never trust them alone with birds unsupervised. Cats are natural predators to birds and the fluttering of wings may still catch their interest.
Hi I'm new. I have a cat and I also have two parakeets and a GC conure. I do think it's possible to have a cat and birds but you have to be very dedicated. My cat sleeps on my bed all day pretty much so I schedule the birds playtime around my cats sleeping. They come out into the living room and hang with me all day while the cat is in there sleeping in my room. I have a sign on the door letting people know when the bird is out.

Then at night when it's bedtime all the birds come in my room with me and we go to bed. I have cages that roll so it's really easy.

You have to be very careful of guests who aren't used to this stuff. I never let my bird out if there are a lot of people over. Maybe for a quick visit but after that it's back to my room.

My cat will let me know if he wants out to go potty or have a snack by scratching at the door. I then put my bird in his cage and let the cat out to do his thing. Usually he just goes right back in my room to sleep. At night is when he's more active so he gets the night and the birds get the day and it works out.

It's like having a toddler you have to watch all of them constantly. I would never leave my 1 yr old nephew alone in a room and I don't with my animals.
Hi there....
I have friends who own both birds and cats.
One had a Conure and cat for almost 7 years together.
They got on extremely well, always playing etc.
The cat had a bad day, attacked the bird.
The cat jumped the bird, held it in it's mouth and would not let go.
Unfortunately the bird died.
My friend said nothing provoked the cat at all.
I guess we all have bad days, like the cat did, and things happen.
I personally would not take the chance of something like that happening.
Good luck with your decision.

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