Syringe Training


Active member
Jul 27, 2010
Beckley, WV
Merlin a Red Crowned Amazon
I was browsing bird training today & saw a great idea. All of you who have baby birds need to try this. Give them juice or some other liquid that they like in a syringe to help w/giving medicine later. If you did it often as a treat, they would not be afraid when you have to medicate.

I am giving Merlin benedryl often because of his allergies & it is brutal sometimes:eek:. I've tried disguising it in a little jelly bread, but he's wise to that now, today he ate around where the benedryl was. Not a good idea since I didnt know then how much he actually ate. I wish I had seen this when he was younger, I'd try it now but he runs when he sees one.
I have continued giving Mishka his formula with a syringe, he is almost 4 years old now. It's healthy, as there is so much goodness in the formula. If ever medication was needed, I would never have a problem thank goodness.
If your bird is not used to a syringe now, now matter how old, mix a bit of formula, warm it up, and offer him little bits, going in from the side. Let the bird get used to it slowly, and in time he will willingly take anything from a syringe without attacking and biting you.
I will try take a video of Mishka having his formula tomorrow morning and upload it, it is so simple and easy, worth the trouble.
Unfortunately I know I'd struggle trying to give my budgies medication - but my Merlin is so simple, because he's so young and he's used to being syringe fed, he gets excited when he see's one! So I know I'll be keeping that up from time to time just so he's happy and willing to take whatever is in the syringe.

Best of luck with your Merlin!
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Keep this up, you will be happy about later. When I was raising horses, I always knew what kind of things to train them to do, with birds I didnt think of this one. Merlin hates the syringe, I've found he's not scared of it. He found one drying in the dish rack & he flew off w/it to parts unknown. I guess he showed me. lol
When I started clicker traning, the only thing that Hedwig would take for a reword was juice via syringe. I used this technique to medicate a crow years ago.
Here is Mishka enjoying his formula, being fed with a syringe

[ame=]YouTube - ‪World's Amazing Talking African Grey Parrot : Mishka being feed formula with a syringe‬‏[/ame]
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Is he as good when its medicine? Amazing... We are still trying.

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