Taming Neglected Conure


New member
Jan 3, 2017
I got a blue crowned conure on Mew Year'S Day. He's four years old and has had two previous owners. His last owner became terminally ill and unable to care for him, so when I picked him up his cage is so full of dried poop that the front latch won't fasten. Not only that, but he doesn't want to be handled and I saw that the men in the household were not very kind to him.

I need to get him out/off of the cage so I can give it a really good cleaning. Other than the poop the cage is in really good condition (no rust and only missing a sliding tray for the top). Any suggestions? I don't want to use the towel method, as I don't want to traumatized him since he's had bad handling experiences.

I also bought him two new perches and he won't use any of them. He either perches on his favorite toy or he hangs on the side of the cage.
Try leaving the door open in a small room, like the bath room. He may come out, but you may need to towel him. Do you have some place to put him while you clean the cage??

Thanks for rescuing this guy.
I'm a fan already. THANK YOU for saving this bird in need. I like Wrench's idea...
You have taken on a lot. I suspect you'll have to re-invent his diet, his cage, everything. But the New Year was the first day of a better life. I can't wait to follow his story. I know you'll get a lot of help and support here. We'll work it all out.

What's our new bird's name?
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Try leaving the door open in a small room, like the bath room. He may come out, but you may need to towel him. Do you have some place to put him while you clean the cage??

Thanks for rescuing this guy.

Thanks!! I'm going to try using my boyfriend's long sleeves to see if he will step up and I don't get it too bad with the beak. If I have to towel him, how bad will that set me back on taming him? I'm an expert with doves, but this is my first conure and I want to make sure he has a positive experience. He also needs to see the vet to make sure he's in good health.
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I'm a fan already. THANK YOU for saving this bird in need. I like Wrench's idea...
You have taken on a lot. I suspect you'll have to re-invent his diet, his cage, everything. But the New Year was the first day of a better life. I can't wait to follow his story. I know you'll get a lot of help and support here. We'll work it all out.

What's our new bird's name?

Thanks!! His full name is "Krevlorneswath of the Deathwok Clan," and "Lorne" for short. I named him after a favorite tv character from Angel (spinoff from Buffy, and I realize I'm nerding out right now.)

I added pellets to his diet, as well as some fresh fruits and veggies in the evening for treats to try to get him to warm up to me.

He seems interested in me (not as much as his really annoying bell toy, though), but I'm not sure how to read his body language.
All birdies are different. Even after nearly 28 years,Smokey my TAG, would get p.o. when she needed to be toweled,mostly after a shower or bath. Sometimes when I needed to get her back in her house and she just WOULD NOT cooperate :mad:
She'd growl,and cuss,and bite it,and give me the hairy eyeball :rolleyes: but as soon as she was free she was fine and didn't hold a grudge.
With Amy,she gets toweled after a shower or bath also..she just chews on the towel and is fine after being freed.

I'd use the towel as a last resort with your conure..he/she being new to her surroundings. Like Al mentioned ( Wrench) open the door and see if he/she will come out on his/her own.
Maybe a perch stick? See if he/she will step up.

Can the roof be removed? If so,take it off,maybe the bird will get the hint and come out.
Let us know on how you did!

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All birdies are different. Even after nearly 28 years,Smokey my TAG, would get p.o. when she needed to be toweled,mostly after a shower or bath. Sometimes when I needed to get her back in her house and she just WOULD NOT cooperate :mad:
She'd growl,and cuss,and bite it,and give me the hairy eyeball :rolleyes: but as soon as she was free she was fine and didn't hold a grudge.
With Amy,she gets toweled after a shower or bath also..she just chews on the towel and is fine after being freed.

I'd use the towel as a last resort with your conure..he/she being new to her surroundings. Like Al mentioned ( Wrench) open the door and see if he/she will come out on his/her own.
Maybe a perch stick? See if he/she will step up.

Can the roof be removed? If so,take it off,maybe the bird will get the hint and come out.
Let us know on how you did!


Yes, the top can come off. The problem is that is where he is and I cannot get it off while he's on there. Perhaps it will be easier when my boyfriend is home so he can help, I just feel like I may drop it.

Trying to learn body language and behaviors... What does it mean when he looks at me and moves his head from side-to-side, or throws it back (kinda like a stripper would...)? I noticed if I bob my head up and down he will mimic me.
Trying to learn body language and behaviors... What does it mean when he looks at me and moves his head from side-to-side, or throws it back (kinda like a stripper would...)? I noticed if I bob my head up and down he will mimic me.
You are on the road to a great relationship! You have a second boyfriend!
All birdies are different. Even after nearly 28 years,Smokey my TAG, would get p.o. when she needed to be toweled,mostly after a shower or bath. Sometimes when I needed to get her back in her house and she just WOULD NOT cooperate :mad:
She'd growl,and cuss,and bite it,and give me the hairy eyeball :rolleyes: but as soon as she was free she was fine and didn't hold a grudge.
With Amy,she gets toweled after a shower or bath also..she just chews on the towel and is fine after being freed.

I'd use the towel as a last resort with your conure..he/she being new to her surroundings. Like Al mentioned ( Wrench) open the door and see if he/she will come out on his/her own.
Maybe a perch stick? See if he/she will step up.

Can the roof be removed? If so,take it off,maybe the bird will get the hint and come out.
Let us know on how you did!


Yes, the top can come off. The problem is that is where he is and I cannot get it off while he's on there. Perhaps it will be easier when my boyfriend is home so he can help, I just feel like I may drop it.

Trying to learn body language and behaviors... What does it mean when he looks at me and moves his head from side-to-side, or throws it back (kinda like a stripper would...)? I noticed if I bob my head up and down he will mimic me.

Sounds to me like he likes you already with the head bobbing and side to side thing..you may be quite surprised then! Try and see if he'll step up on a perch stick for you. Does he have a favorite food?treat? maybe you can bribe/coax him out with it.
You may think your not getting too far...but every little positive thing is a good thing ;)

Little bit of info from my experience with two blue crowns who are sitting about 2 feet from me in a mutual preening fest.

A bowing motion is common with them and is a great bonding tool if you repeat it back to them. Sometimes I'll stand near them, bow while making a birrrrrrrrrr noise. That will get both of mine responding instantly. You can see a bit of it in this video. At about 25 seconds and 45 seconds Rosco (right) bows at me and makes the usual noise. They were a little excited so didn't do it too much. And that is Rosco imitating me sneezing a few times during the video.
[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sU9srnoevcI"]Tootsie and Rosco - YouTube[/ame]

If the bird is interested, perhaps you can lure him out and into a travel cage if you have one? Put it door to door and put some treats inside. Almonds, cachews or millet. Something high value. Maybe a toy or two. He might investigate though the shock of getting rehomed might make that a little too early.

Hope that it works out good for you. Blue Crowns are wonderful parrots. A bit on the sassy side sometimes but bright and curious. And what is it with Blue Crowns and bells? Rosco LOVES them.
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Operation Clean Cage a success. Got the lid off and got him to perch on it. He flew around my studio while I cleaned his cage, so he had a mini adventure.
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Little bit of info from my experience with two blue crowns who are sitting about 2 feet from me in a mutual preening fest.

A bowing motion is common with them and is a great bonding tool if you repeat it back to them. Sometimes I'll stand near them, bow while making a birrrrrrrrrr noise. That will get both of mine responding instantly. You can see a bit of it in this video. At about 25 seconds and 45 seconds Rosco (right) bows at me and makes the usual noise. They were a little excited so didn't do it too much. And that is Rosco imitating me sneezing a few times during the video.
Tootsie and Rosco - YouTube

If the bird is interested, perhaps you can lure him out and into a travel cage if you have one? Put it door to door and put some treats inside. Almonds, cachews or millet. Something high value. Maybe a toy or two. He might investigate though the shock of getting rehomed might make that a little too early.

Hope that it works out good for you. Blue Crowns are wonderful parrots. A bit on the sassy side sometimes but bright and curious. And what is it with Blue Crowns and bells? Rosco LOVES them.

Aww how precious are those two?! Thanks for the info!! I do not have a travel cage, but upon entering the room again to check on him while his cage was getting cleaned, he flew on top of my head. That was a bit too friendly too fast for me, but I just bent down and let him hop on the floor. He's back in his nice clean cage now, and the latch actually fastens now!!

So what is the normal process for taming? How long does it usually take if I'm consistent with a routine every day?
Treats. Calm talk. Calm demeanor. No sudden moves. And let him take it at his own pace. Get him some new toys. Play with them so that he can see. When he is really showing interest, open the door and let him come out if he wishes. Put one new toy in the cage at a time so you don't overwhelm him with change. And don't push him faster than he wants to accept. You probably have decades to form a deep bond since these guys live about 35+ years. Tootsie is somewhere north of 30 now.

When I first met Tootsie, she lived at my brother's place. He was the only one that could handle her. But she was a lot of bluff and I would not let her fool me. Didn't take long for her to accept me and be happy to come to me. Made me the perfect choice when they decided her noise and attitude to the rest of the family made a rehome necessary.

Rosco is a rescue. I have no history on him at all. After working with him for a few years he has become friendly though hand shy. I'm assuming that something in his past made him associate hands with bad things. I can get him to step up most of the time now though if he does not feel like it, he is gone.

Your bird flying to your head was actually a good sign in my book. In an unfamiliar place and probably a little freaked out, he came to you. It is a start. First step in getting some trust going.
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Treats. Calm talk. Calm demeanor. No sudden moves. And let him take it at his own pace. Get him some new toys. Play with them so that he can see. When he is really showing interest, open the door and let him come out if he wishes. Put one new toy in the cage at a time so you don't overwhelm him with change. And don't push him faster than he wants to accept. You probably have decades to form a deep bond since these guys live about 35+ years. Tootsie is somewhere north of 30 now.

When I first met Tootsie, she lived at my brother's place. He was the only one that could handle her. But she was a lot of bluff and I would not let her fool me. Didn't take long for her to accept me and be happy to come to me. Made me the perfect choice when they decided her noise and attitude to the rest of the family made a rehome necessary.

Rosco is a rescue. I have no history on him at all. After working with him for a few years he has become friendly though hand shy. I'm assuming that something in his past made him associate hands with bad things. I can get him to step up most of the time now though if he does not feel like it, he is gone.

Your bird flying to your head was actually a good sign in my book. In an unfamiliar place and probably a little freaked out, he came to you. It is a start. First step in getting some trust going.

Awww this makes me happy!! I had a dove that I hand raised and she passed away this last summer. I miss her to pieces, but wanted to get a new one. My boyfriend finally agrees, and he was happy to see I looked at rescues before considering buying.

How long did it take Roscoe to warm up to you?
Oh, what an adventure!

Every now and then Gus gets into a state where he won't let me pick him up, usually when he thinks the log wall is a good nest site and wants to start homebuilding. Last time, I got a towel and herded him to the edge of the bed, then he grabbed the towel and rather than wrapping him up I deposited him gently on the floor, towel and all. Then he stepped up with alacrity. Most parrots don't like being on the floor and will let anybody save them.
Awww this makes me happy!! I had a dove that I hand raised and she passed away this last summer. I miss her to pieces, but wanted to get a new one. My boyfriend finally agrees, and he was happy to see I looked at rescues before considering buying.

How long did it take Roscoe to warm up to you?

Sorry to hear about your dove. I've never had one but thought that someday I would. They seem like very gentle and soothing creatures.

It took Rosco about a year before he would step up for me. It probably would have been sooner but he and Tootsie developed a bond and Rosco is the jealous type. Even now, over 5 years later, he still feels the need to 'protect' Tootsie from me. So I'll reach up to scratch her, he will lunge and sometimes nip at me then I'll waggle my finger at him and sometimes give him a gentle poke if he nipped a little too hard. I have a feeling that when Tootsie is no longer with us (hopefully many years from now) that Rosco will become a lot friendlier and seek closer contact. But we have a good understanding between us. And he makes me laugh more than Tootsie and Sidney (the Senegal Parrot) combined. He is a genuine character.

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