Texas Tiels Thread.

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  • #42
Pretty sure this is the one!

First of all I want to apologize for the crappy shots. As most know it's hard for a baby to keep it's head still for a portrait! I would like everyone to meet Peanut. While this was the last hatched, I think it has really cool markings. I REALLY wanted to keep Tiki (the first hatched) as well but that's my BIG problem. Giving up babies ! Peanut will make 11 tiels and in order for my wife and I to give them the proper attention they ALL need, I've come to realize we must let the others go to good homes. I do have my fingers crossed that Peanut turns out to be a male as we already have 6 females and 4 males!:D
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Peanut is beautiful!

I would love to have another tiel, but Screamer does not care for other birds (she once lived with another tiel but didn’t really like him either - in a previous home). My girl is happy in her own cage, pretending that the noisy conures in the room do not exist. Sigh.
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  • #45
An update on all four babies.

The two middle babies are Peanut and Tiki. The two yellow birds are yet to be named. All four are now eating adult food we feed the other tiels and are very active! They've all had a chance to test there wings (one at a time) and seem to be great at hovering and landing on shoulders! :04:
We plan on sending out DNA samples today on all four.

I may post a few more pics later.
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I do care! just not replying lol. I can't see any photos?

EDIT: Now they loaded! Such cuties.

Edit 2: How old are the babies? Mine is 7 weeks.
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  • #47
Just curious. Are there ANY other cockatiel websites on the internet?

And please don't recommend "Talk cockatiels" I've tried that one countless times and it's a joke! With everything I've read and heard about the popularity of tiels, one would THINK there would be at least a few decent sites out there devoted JUST to them. Sadly, I've yet to find one yet!
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  • #48
At this time I do not know what's happened to all my photos I have posted on this site. The Mods. are looking in too it. Here are a few more of our older tiels that I HOPE haven't been posted before.

The first pic is Auzzie a female hen outnumbered by Sun Conures.
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  • #49
My last update and goodbye.

I really hate doing this because the mods have begged me not too but the fact is: ALL my photos on this thread have disappeared and NOBODY seems to know why! I was really starting to have a good feeling about this site until this photo thing happened. Something is really strange as I seem to be the ONLY member this has happened too. I just don't see the point in sticking around if I can't post updated pictures without them disappearing into thin air. TAKE CARE....It's been fun.
System glitches do happen, we’ve had a whole day of posts disappear before. It’s a shame to walk away when we were enjoying your company. It’s not just the photos here (although we love them), the people are pretty great too. Tech blips get worked out.
My last update and goodbye.

I really hate doing this because the mods have begged me not too but the fact is: ALL my photos on this thread have disappeared and NOBODY seems to know why! I was really starting to have a good feeling about this site until this photo thing happened. Something is really strange as I seem to be the ONLY member this has happened too. I just don't see the point in sticking around if I can't post updated pictures without them disappearing into thin air. TAKE CARE....It's been fun.

I am truly sorry to see you leave. The glitch that is happening here was brought to our Admin's attention on the Friday before Father's Day. I respectfully ask that you give Admin a chance to figure it out during their normal work week rather than a holiday weekend. We all want to get to the bottom of what happened, but sometimes it may take a few days to figure it out.
Whatever you decide, we wish you well and are glad you have been a part of the PF family.
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  • #53
This is what I just now sent to the other Mods.

I hate to be such a pain in the butt over this but I REALLY appreciate you guys looking into this. Although I really don't see how, the problem COULD be on my end since I'm the only one effected. What I do is this: I have a hi-end phone with a good camera and take bird photos with it. I send them from my phone to my e-mail address on my computer and use the photo program called Irfranview to re-size and or add color corrections. I then upload the one's I like to your website. Hope this helps.

This is what I just now sent to the other Mods.

I hate to be such a pain in the butt over this but I REALLY appreciate you guys looking into this. Although I really don't see how, the problem COULD be on my end since I'm the only one effected. What I do is this: I have a hi-end phone with a good camera and take bird photos with it. I send them from my phone to my e-mail address on my computer and use the photo program called Irfranview to re-size and or add color corrections. I then upload the one's I like to your website. Hope this helps.

You aren't actually leaving are you?
I mean, even if the pictures glitched (which sucks), there is still the community (if you want us lol!)
i'm not downplaying...just hate to see you go.
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  • #55
If and when they figure the photo thing out, I'll pick up where I left off. Even if they don't I may not visit as often but I'll stick around....I simply enjoy birds too much!
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  • #56
This is a Test! Some of you may have seen this photo before but it's one that disappeared very quick along with all the rest in this tread! I've made some changes on my end to see if this makes a difference.
The second baby from the left is Peanut. the darker colored one is Tiki. The yellow pearls have yet to be named. Also the DNA paperwork has been sent off.
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I CAN see it--AND THEY ARE EFFING CUTE!! But there is a limit on files you attach that way (FYI)
Yep I can see it too, timestamped at 6.23PM. I'll check back periodically to see if I can STILL see it :)
This is a Test! Some of you may have seen this photo before but it's one that disappeared very quick along with all the rest in this tread! I've made some changes on my end to see if this makes a difference.
The second baby from the left is Peanut. the darker colored one is Tiki. The yellow pearls have yet to be named. Also the DNA paperwork has been sent off.

A quad of beauties! Thanks for posting, I'll also monitor. Meanwhile, I've taken the liberty to expand full size in this quote. Your original post is unchanged.

This is a Test! Some of you may have seen this photo before but it's one that disappeared very quick along with all the rest in this tread! I've made some changes on my end to see if this makes a difference.
The second baby from the left is Peanut. the darker colored one is Tiki. The yellow pearls have yet to be named. Also the DNA paperwork has been sent off.

It looks like you attached that directly but I would recommend that you make albums on your profile pages and upload directly to those from your computer. Copy the "BB" code that shows under the pictures when uploaded and then, when you come to post them, start a new thread, click the yellow icon with the mountain/sun above the message box and paste in that code.

This will allow people to see your pictures larger without having to click on the thumbnail, and you won't run out of space like you do when posting attachments directly (as you did just now)<---there is a limit on those, but I haven't run into space issues on albums.

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