That was fast!


New member
Sep 13, 2015
Reaction score
Northwest NJ
1 African Grey, 2 Cockatiels and 1 Pionus
Leroy has been here a week and he's settling in - he sort of nipped my finger this morning, but I know he could have done some serious damage, so I take it as a warning. He will still come over and take food from my hand, so I take all of that as good. This afternoon he said his first new words from our house - he called one of the dogs like me and laughed like me. He has a pretty big vocabulary, and we've been writing down what he already knows how to say. I think the funniest and most bittersweet thing is that he does a ringing phone and has a conversation in my brother in laws voice, complete with laughing and saying goodbye at the end of it. He also did a really neat thing that shocked us both - he can count to 6, but so far he's only counted to 4 that we've heard but He started to count "one, two" and hesitated, so I said "three" and he said "four" It was the neatest thing!:grey:
That's awesome! How neat that he is already learning to speak like you guys and is adjusting to his new home. :)
That was fast, I'm happy to hear Leroy is comfortable in his new home already. I've never heard a parrot count, what a clever boy.
Thank you. He is settling in quite nicely - he counts " one, two, three, Blueberries" and then makes a whooohooo whistle. If he pauses after he says one, we say "two" and he then continues with 3. He hasn't counted to six that I've heard yet, but my husband had heard him do that when he was still in Florida. He's also picked up "what time is it" from my husband and "pew, pew, pew" from me - I was saying that to him when he was going through his video game sounds. He's a riot, that's for sure!

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