The best Bird meme!!

I have always been terrible at remembering names.
And the funny thing is this joke is too accurate.
I’ll remember the first letter of the name but the rest just slips away.
now I know the reason for it.
Yup. It's called Bird Brain.
And I have the chewed up French doors to prove it!!

my mom is scared only of Zenek (so the GCC in the meme is so relatable) - each time when he lands on her or near her, she screams to take him away. (she is fine with other fids 😅 )
my mom is scared only of Zenek (so the GCC in the meme is so relatable) - each time when he lands on her or near her, she screams to take him away. (she is fine with other fids 😅 )
How can she be afraid of my favourite Polish nephew? He's just so sweet!!! 💖💖💖
A seagull of some ilk or the other.
I'm glad to not be the only one who thinks about keas while seeing "Ikea" 😅

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When I was in my 20s a friend and I went to New Zealand for a ski trip. I was already a bird lover but I knew nothing about the Kea until we encountered them. It was a highlight of the trip seeing their antics in the ski fields 😂
You've heard of pop art, so now may i present, "poop art"!!View attachment 54561
hehe, I saw this yesterday 😅

Here are some funny ones

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That's why my moustache is always well groomed free of any lice 🙂
There already are over 100 bird rules by Chicken Thoughts😅
Here are the latest ones (from yesterday):

This one I sent to my dad because once time in this way Zenek turned off his earphones and he got mad at him thinking that he destroyed them😅
Recently Birdhism made a meme sample and I see that some people use it - I've been considering a bit if to try to do it with Zenek and /or Rozalka (Jaś and Fela are too innocent for it 😅 )
Recently Birdhism made a meme sample and I see that some people use it - I've been considering a bit if to try to do it with Zenek and /or Rozalka (Jaś and Fela are too innocent for it 😅 )
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Oh I need to do one of these for Lovejoy, he is DEFINITELY not too innocent for it :eek:

Meanwhile, awesome are the powers of the Ancient Ones!

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