The best Lorikeet diet


New member
Apr 20, 2024
Midna, Black Lory
I just took my bird (a black lory) to the vet and he said that an all nectar powder diet is actually not very healthy for them because of the high sugar and they donā€™t get as much exercise in captivity as they do in the wild.

Iā€™ve been feeding her Blessings Lory Nectar since I got her 4 years ago, I feed her fruits and veggies too but sheā€™s picky about them and doesnā€™t eat them as much and when she does she mostly tears them apart rather than eating it. So, we got an xray and everything looks fine but her heart does look more clogged* than it did 3 years ago in her first X-ray. She actually gets lots of exercise, and has a ton of space to fly around in.

He said he had talked to some of the best avian vets in the states and asked about lorikeet diet, and he suggested I use Roudybush Maintenance small pellets or Harrisonā€™s pellets and mash it up like her powder and provide water with it, as well as a little bit of her normal lory powder a day. He said there werenā€™t really many studies on lorikeets in general and their best diet in captivity, and that this may be the best for her health. I just know thereā€™s issues with feeding pellets and Iā€™ve been doing research but itā€™s difficult to get a complete answer, as there are pros and cons for both sides. Clearly, with slight issues to her heart already at 4 years old isnā€™t good so Itā€™s worth a try, but I immediately bought the pellets and Iā€™m concerned now that I did some research about lories eating pellets and people say itā€™s bad for them. What would be the best for a lorikeet diet? Are there any studies Iā€™m not finding? Thank you so much!!

*Not the word he said but I canā€™t remember what he described it as exactly


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From what I understand, the Nekton brand of lori food is about the best you can get. Not easily available here in Australia where I am, so the next best thing that I use for my varied lorikeet is Wombaroo for his wet mix and a combination of the Passwell and Attraction brands for his dry. Lories really do need a wet mix as part of their diet, I feed mine wet nectar mix for his breakfast for about four hours in the morning, no longer than that as it spoils pretty quickly, then he gets the dry powder for the rest of the day and I usually give him a bit more wet mix for his supper. I put his dry powder nectar next to his water dish so he can virtually make his own wet mix with it by combining the two :) He also eats LOTS of green leafy veg, things like bok choy and broccolini are his favourites, and he doesn't get a whole lot of fruit since as you say they just don't need THAT much sugar. Personally I'm not crazy about pellets for lorikeets as they really are geared more towards a liquid diet with their physiology, but I guess if you were to grind them into a powder as you have mentioned, it's tantamount to feeding a dry nectar powder anyway.

Welcome to the forums to you and the lovely Midna - I hope this helps!
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From what I understand, the Nekton brand of lori food is about the best you can get. Not easily available here in Australia where I am, so the next best thing that I use for my varied lorikeet is Wombaroo for his wet mix and a combination of the Passwell and Attraction brands for his dry. Lories really do need a wet mix as part of their diet, I feed mine wet nectar mix for his breakfast for about four hours in the morning, no longer than that as it spoils pretty quickly, then he gets the dry powder for the rest of the day and I usually give him a bit more wet mix for his supper. I put his dry powder nectar next to his water dish so he can virtually make his own wet mix with it by combining the two :) He also eats LOTS of green leafy veg, things like bok choy and broccolini are his favourites, and he doesn't get a whole lot of fruit since as you say they just don't need THAT much sugar. Personally I'm not crazy about pellets for lorikeets as they really are geared more towards a liquid diet with their physiology, but I guess if you were to grind them into a powder as you have mentioned, it's tantamount to feeding a dry nectar powder anyway.

Welcome to the forums to you and the lovely Midna - I hope this helps!
Thank you so much! Iā€™m going to continue to do research and see how this diet suggestion works for her and go from there :)
You're more than welcome! We actually have another member here with beautiful black lory, @jessem101, who with any luck may drop by and see your post and have some tips for you too :)

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