The Daily Update


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Apr 19, 2015
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Clyde, Quaker; Freddie, tiel; Rocky, umbrella cockatoo.
When I come home from work, Rocky and I have some porch time. I get him out and clean his cage and we go sit on the enclosed porch, and every night, he has tons to tell me. He chatters and chatters and I don't understand a word of it, but he is apparently telling me everything that happened all day while I was gone. Tonight the Schwan's truck came and the dogs barked and Rocky displayed and squawked and bounced, and after the man was gone, Rocky told me about that (I assume that's what he was talking about) and did a much milder version of the display and then laughed and laughed. I suppose he was saying "Did you see that guy's face when I did this????"
:) Happy to hear things are going well. I am sure Rocky loves his one on one porch time.
OMG! That is the best update ever! LOL
Sounds like Rocky is enjoying himself! Thanks for the happy update!
You need a Star Trek Universal Translator!
I do. A couple of days ago, Hubby took a couple of Easter baskets that were lying around and zip-tied them to the 'Too Corner in his cage where Rocky goes to hide and plot mischief. Rocky has not been near them. He squawked and squawked that night. This morning he finally climbed in and sat in them (they're stacked together for greater stability, because they're kind of flimsy) and held court. I expect them to be demolished by the time I get home from work. Unless, of course, Rocky decides they make a good throne for the King of the 'Toos. I took pictures, but I don't know how to post them here.
Here he is.

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