The News [An Update]


New member
Jan 1, 2007
Here we are on parrot forum news here with me today is Slayor and his bird Cracker. Slayor tell me about you and Cracker.

Slayor:Well, yesterday a former parrot owner for 11 years came over she said whenever ypu are at the cpmputer or something open the cage door. That shooked me but its working Cracker comes and peches on the ledge of the cage, but when i come over she hops back in.

News Dude: Have you peted Cracker yet?

Slayor:Yes Now I have I was stroking her [her im almost certin] cheest the other day.

News Dude: Thank you Slayor and good luck with Cracke.

Slayor:Thank you.

News Dude: In other news Its warming up in North America so have a great Spring and Summer!!
haha wow nice nice, aight well weathers ah good here lol:D
Love it, I'm glad that you are making progress. It takes time for any bird to trust so don't lose hope, you will get there in the end. :D
I'm glad things are going good for you Slayor. I was wondering the other day where you'd been and how you were coming along.
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So since Im bad at this i'll send them to you peta at your Yahoo will you post them?
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No Never Mind I'll ask my dad later so they will be on by tomarrow
Slayor if ever you need to send me pics to post then thats fine.

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