The Queen of Bavaria Conure

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New member
Jun 19, 2010
10 year old male Love Bird- deceased
6 year old female Blue Crowned Conure
3 year old female Alexandrine
1 year old female Cherry Headed Conure
I want a bigger sweet bird ( but I am concerned by what I read about Cockatoos ) and I was told the the The Queen of Bavaria Conure is a conure version of a Cockatoo. Has anyone any experience with these as pets? How are they once past the baby stage - are they one person birds are can they be family birds. Is this the type of bird that needs to be a male to stay loving to me as it matures? I have all girl Conures - would it cause problems to bring in a male? What are the negatives of this type of Conure?
Please let me know as I am finding very little pet info on the internet. Thanks, Lynne
I don't know a lot about them but here is what I know. At my local bird store there are two of them. They are really, really expensive because they are endangered. You can't move out of state with them along with some other regulations. They are very high energy and like to show off. They can be somewhat nippy like most conures. It sounds like a galah would be a good bird for you. I would like to get one when I graduate college. I have done a lot of research on them. I have held three of them and they all just wanted to hand out with me and be petted.
This is what I learned about this bird:

" A very rare and highly endangered species, the Queen of Bavaria Conure also known as the Golden Conure is protected against collection and importation, as well as being closely regulated in the United States. It is also very expensive."
Must have a special permit to keep, and even more permits to ship from state to state, I don't see many birds for sale as pets, but breeding pairs on average sell for $5,000 :eek:
There's two for sale locally (down in Bakersfield, although I don't think that would help a Texan) for $2500 and they're gorgeous birds. I would love to have one if I had the money - I'm a conure girl through and through, and have always wanted a medium sized bird. I'm afraid I don't know much about their temperment but everything that's been said so far is what I've read about the species (I did my homework after seeing those babies in the store).
Hi Lynne! The bird store on Hwy6 usually has a few of these every year and they are not priced as high as some of these posts indicate. I haven't personally handled any QoB conures but the owner of said bird store (Andrea) claimed they were incredible pets. I would drop by and check them out. What a cool addition to your flock!
Heres a little more info just to let you know whats involed in the process.........and nic, you might want to let Andrea know that if she isn't notifying prospective buyers that a CBW permit is required BEFORE purchasing the bird she's in violation of federal law, I'm sure she probably already knows, just a little heads up :)

Interstate Commerce
The ESA rulings clearly note that there shall be no interstate commerce in ESA (Endangered Species Act)-listed species without proper permits. It is even illegal to offer such species for sale without an accompanying notice that a Captive Bred Wildlife permit (CBW) is required by the purchaser. Examples of birds presently under the CBW permit system are the scarlet-chested parakeet and the golden conure. Breeders of these species may sell them within their state of residence without permits, but may not legally sell them across state lines without holding a CBW permit and without the purchaser acquiring a CBW permit. A CBW permit cannot be obtained by simply requesting it. In discussion with permit holders, I learned that it takes a minimum of two months for the request to be processed by the USFWS before a permit is obtained. If some portion of the permit application is incorrectly completed, the permit process is further delayed while a correction is made. As one might imagine, this does not encourage sales.
we just bought a queen they are loving birds and quite expensive and worth it i love mine to death and i only had mine for 3 days. He is a cuddle bug and loves to play. i bought mine for 3000.
hope this helps:)
The are beautiful birds and i would LOOOOVE to have one they are just a bit out of my price range.
The QOB conure makes an excellent pet, if you can stand the loud screams this bird makes. Definately not an apartment bird. They are very cuddly, not normally one person birds, and love playing (like most conures). They have come way down in price, too. Fifteen years ago, when I was breeding them, I was getting $3000 per baby. Now I see them as low as $700, from a breeder, obviously. The average is $1200-$1400 and you do need permits to cross state lines. If you live in California or Florida you can find quite a few breeders of QOB.
I own a QOB and they are really sweet birds. A lot of people tell me that they are loud but mine doesn't seem to make much noise compared to my alex which is really high pitch. But I have a 4 and 6 year old and they can pet and hold them fine now problem. So did you get one?

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