The wild Parrots of Telegraph hill.


New member
Dec 24, 2006
As I am new here, this may be a stoopid question, but has anyone seen a movie called "The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill"?
It may be a movie you all saw ages ago, or it may have quietly slipped past you.
Well worth watching I thought. Makes my Corella looka bit dull, but I see past his looks, not unlike my wife does with me.
I have a torrent for it if you guys download movies. I have done so and it's a lovely film about escaped Cherry headed Conures who live in a wild flock in Sanfransisco.
Yeah, great film the book is well worth getting as well.
I read!! Not so much as i did when younger though! I have only seen one bird movie and that was Polly, cried like hell! Was so sad and a great story!
I have the movie Paulie:

Paulie is a loveable parrot who is owned by a little girl (Maire Kate Eisenbierg), they love each other dearly. But one day Paulie is blamed for an extreme accident and gets taken to a pet shop. Paulie breaks away and searches for the little girl, and all this becomes "Paulie : A Parrots Tale."

I loved the movie, and it had some good laughs. I played it for Cricket too, she is very interested in the moving picture box :D lol
Me I love to read a good book. Don't seem to get a lot of time just lately though. :(
So, Tex and i just watched this movie. It was a little different then we thought it was going to be, but really interesting. I cried at the end, of course. I get so attached to any bird that I am shown the personality of. Its so hard not to.
I really wanna get the book and the movie. My mom said she'd order it for me since i havent failed anything thsi year (lol). But shes a procrastinater so no idea when she'll get around to it.
I think everyone should see this at least once, I've now watched it loads and cry everytime. :D Even cried while reading the book. :D
Ok, so I got to watch this last night (was on TV)
very nice little film, didnt cry though.
I did think it was sad though, but I think I didnt cry because I am used to that kind of things... red tails used to eat my free range chickens :(
Think you must be the only person I know that didn't cry after watching the movie. :D
could of been because it was late at night and I was ready to go to sleep, but I really want to finish the movie.... could of done with out the picture of the hawk though... dont like images like that :(
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Yeah right. Tell me you wouldnt love a hawk in your bird inventory.
I would love to command the loyalty of a bird of prey.
Not legal in this Country. All Birds of prey are protected federally in Australia. Even rescued birds are not left in private hands.

I think the Governemnt knows of my secret plan to raise an army of eagles to command the skies around my house, With lazer beams fitted to tiny helmets that fire on Local council inspectors and sticky beaks.
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Can honestly say that a Bird of Prey isn't on my list of wants, they scare me silly. :eek: :D Think its more the thought than the sight of them, they are magnificent birds.

I can picture your house now, with the circle of hawks round it.
With lazer beams fitted to tiny helmets that fire on Local council inspectors and sticky beaks.
scared of you. :D:D

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