Thinking of getting a companion for my lovebird


Active member
Dec 28, 2023
I want to get a firend/ companion for my lovebird, Mango, so he is not lonely when I am gone during the day.

He is very friendly towards other birds and doesn't get territorial. Will it be a good idea if I introduce Mango to another bird and if they get along, house them together(try having them together for the day in Mangos cage) ? Or is it stressful (to mango) and not worth getting another bird?
I want to get a firend/ companion for my lovebird, Mango, so he is not lonely when I am gone during the day.

He is very friendly towards other birds and doesn't get territorial. Will it be a good idea if I introduce Mango to another bird and if they get along, house them together(try having them together for the day in Mangos cage) ? Or is it stressful (to mango) and not worth getting another bird?
You never know whats going to happen when you inroduce another bird. I have a cockatiel and recently introduced a princess parrot, so far they don't like eachother too much but they get along.
What species of parrot would you introduce? Maybe another lovebird would be best
I want to get a firend/ companion for my lovebird, Mango, so he is not lonely when I am gone during the day.

He is very friendly towards other birds and doesn't get territorial. Will it be a good idea if I introduce Mango to another bird and if they get along, house them together(try having them together for the day in Mangos cage) ? Or is it stressful (to mango) and not worth getting another bird?
Welcome to the forums!

As stated above, introducing a new bird is a gamble.
They won’t always like each other. And, if you do get another bird, get one because you want one and want to care for another.

I originally owned my Quaker first, and brought home my green cheek a few months later. They’ve lived next to each other for over 2 years and still can’t be let out at the same time.

Now, it is possible, and more likely that your lovebird would probably get along fine with another lovebird. After a quarantine just keep the introduction slow, like move there cages in the same room for days so they can hear and see each other.
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You never know whats going to happen when you inroduce another bird. I have a cockatiel and recently introduced a princess parrot, so far they don't like eachother too much but they get along.
What species of parrot would you introduce? Maybe another lovebird would be best
Yeah, I'm thinking a Lovebird
I want to get a firend/ companion for my lovebird, Mango, so he is not lonely when I am gone during the day.

He is very friendly towards other birds and doesn't get territorial. Will it be a good idea if I introduce Mango to another bird and if they get along, house them together(try having them together for the day in Mangos cage) ? Or is it stressful (to mango) and not worth getting another bird
Lovebirds mate for life if you put them together, they wont pay attention to you... just something to consider.

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