To board or Not to Board!

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  • #21
Your lucky your husband is comfortable taking your birds out while you are away. My husband, on the other hand, is not a "bird person" but he's very kind and loving. I know he will feed him and talk to him, change the newspaper and wash his feeding dishes, but that's about the extent of it. My biggest concern is my fruit getting runny sitting in the prepared bags in the refrigerator. I feed Oliver fresh fruit to avoid this.
when I went away for two week I chopped and froze my fruit, so it wouldn't go bad. Usually they get part of whatever I cut up for my 2 yr old for breakfast
I think I may have gone a bit OTT.

I've completely run done his cage, bought new toys and things for him to try while still attempting to keep everything normal for him. Bought new foraging toys and perches for him to explore and some shredding also.

I've phoned my vet and told her a neighbour is helping and that she may call if needed on my behalf, and also asked advice on how to make this run smoothly. I have the vet number pasted all over my apartment lol.

I've also bought an any time ferry ticket to get home on any P&O ferry incase of emergency, an explained different things that could mean he's unwell too my neighbour.

She must think I'm psychotic or having baby issues lol
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  • #24
Oh gosh Josh, I too went out and bought tons of toys and new perches and foraging toys! I leave tonight and I feel nauseas in the pit of my stomach similar to when I left my children when they were little. Perhaps we've gone off the deep end?
Aww I think it's lovely that you both are nervous. It shows how much you care about your babies! Be sure to mention "do not use Teflon!" That's my biggest fear. ;) Have good trips! Be safe and try not to worry about your fids.

Lisa we can go to the looney bin together lol. I'm feeling sick and get all nervous/upset talking to my neighbour about it haha.

we will be fine, fight through and have a lovely trip!!

When my mom was near the end of life last year I traveled to spend time with her and Gary, dh, fed and watered the flock. I covered the entire bird room floor in layers and layers of newspapers so he didn't have to sweep/mop every day. The work in defrosting, chopping and feeding was more than enough for him considering he has a huge fish keeping operation that requires much of his time. I figured worse case scenario, Rose would make a giant nest on the floor by shredding the newspapers. All went well and the newspapers were intact when I returned. Messy, but intact. It worked really well.

I knew mine could not all be caged for that long without serious cage cleaning. This allowed much of the mess to go on the floor because they spent so much of their time out of the cages. And the floor mess dried on the layers of absorbant newspaper. It was an emergency situation which worked for me. For a vacation or business trip where I had time to line out someone to clean cages, etc I would have done differently.

He did rotate out of cage time for the girls.
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  • #28
Thank you Josh! I'm headed out for the airport in a few minutes. And yes, I'm choking up already...

Thank you Sodakat for sharing your experience with your husband and the newspapers. It sounds like your husband did a great job. I'm sorry for the passing of your mom...I'm glad you were able to spend precious time with her for her send off.
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  • #29
I am finally going home tonight...will arrive in Fla 5:55 a.m I hear my sweet Oliver is very, very depressed. He's eating little and not saying a peep. I feel so GUILty!!!! I can't wait to see him in less than 12 hours!!!!
He'll be so happy to see you! I hope you had a nice trip!
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  • #31
I'm home!!!! When I walked through the door and saw Oliver he had his head down and looked so sad. I called him and he looked up and just stared. No sound. I cried. I felt so bad. I immediately took him out and gave him some kisses and just sat with him. It took about 30 minutes to get my boy back and now, hours later, he's playing, talking and just darn happy. So, if anyone says animals do not have emotions they are full of hog wash. They do! My next trip I have to plan the food better and get my husband more involved with taking Oliver out. I have until May to get this accomplished!
He probably thought, "she's NOT dead"! Sweet boy. Sometimes they take a while to "forgive" us from leaving them. I'm glad he was back at it so soon. Now that you've gone away once, he'll believe you when you tell him you will come back.
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  • #33
Yes, my sweet Oliver is back to "normal" after only 30 minutes of my return. Yay!!! And I hope, as you mentioned Sodakat, that he'll now know Mommies leave and Mommies come back!
Hey, I'm wo glad it went so well.

Just got back from Disney and Loki was wonderful. I think he had his own holiday with my neighbour.

Did looked pleased to see his Momma though :)

glad everything is back to normal and your okay,

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  • #35
Thank you! And I'm glad all is back to "normal" in your home too!!!! I hope you had an awesome time in Disney!

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