Tree time

Wow, Peppa is striking! And she's obviously enjoying her time up in the tree.

Is she harnessed, though? If not, please be careful. Even clipped birds can get a significant amount of lift outside.
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Wow, Peppa is striking! And she's obviously enjoying her time up in the tree.

Is she harnessed, though? If not, please be careful. Even clipped birds can get a significant amount of lift outside.
She is clipped. I make sure I'm definitely with her at all times. She loves to climb and chew the branches, so you can imagine what my lawn looked like haha. Luckily so far she doesn't get much height, when she sits on her cage inside and wants to come in the kitchen with me, she jumps off her cage, so she just plonks on the floor and doesn't get much height. But I know what you are saying - I hope she doesn't take my by surprise one day. That would be tragic!!
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Aw that's precious. How happy she looks!
Thanks Chris, Peppa loves the tree and makes a big mess - but who cares :) As soon as she hears the front door open, she jumps down and comes to the front door to be let out. They are funny little creatures.
Yeah, my flock loves their tree time too. I love to see this kind of stuff.

I personally think it's very important, psychologically, to let them play in a tree once in awhile.

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